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REA Guide for Humanities - Printable Version

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REA Guide for Humanities - retake - 07-14-2009

Does anyone happen to know if the Humanities section of the REA General Exams guide is a good indicator of the level of difficulty on this test? I have been studying for this exam for nearly five weeks now and will be taking it later this week. In the Cracking the CLEP guide, I got 107/140 questions correct. On the Peterson's CLEP Success guide, I got 75/140 correct. However, on the first REA test I only scored 71/140. The topics covered in the REA test don't seem to coincide with the IC flashcards.

I'm a bit worried because I studied most of the poetry and lit related stuff the first 2.5 weeks, and I seem to have forgotten most of it. Now, I'm thinking I should reschedule.

REA Guide for Humanities - ShotoJuku - 07-15-2009

The REA book is fine, the COMEX book (IMO) is better. I think you're doing fine.

REA Guide for Humanities - Ruddigore - 07-15-2009

I thought that the REA tests for Humanities were more difficult than the real exam. The Peterson's exams were much closer.

For Humanities, you probably want to back up your IC learning with some other source -- Wikipedia is one of the easiest. Use it to reenforce all the new names you learn (and believe me, there will be a lot!).

Have fun with this one!

REA Guide for Humanities - retake - 07-15-2009

Thanks for the input. I've been using Wikipedia to help reinforce the information into my brain. Lots of names though. I also went over the Speedyprep flash cards about six times.

I suppose the REA guide isn't the most accurate representation. I was scoring below 50% in the REA guide for the English Comp and Social Science CLEPs, but those were my best scores. I was also scoring +60% on the REA Natural Science exam and that turned out to be my worst score (56).

REA Guide for Humanities - ShotoJuku - 07-15-2009


My Amazon Review: 7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.

[SIZE="3"]CLEP This - Excelsior Students!![/SIZE], March 3, 2006
By Brian R. Fey Sr. "ShotoJuku-Kaicho" (Tampa Bay, Fl) - See all my reviews

This book by far is a MUST HAVE if you want to PASS the Humanities CLEP exam. This book offers a broader yet pinpoint review of the material covered on the actual exam than the REA book. I passed with a 64. GET THIS BOOK!!!! [/COLOR]

REA Guide for Humanities - B Smith - 07-17-2009

REA guides tend to be pretty good and representative of the exam. I found I usually did better on the real test, but I've never viewed this as a problem.

REA Guide for Humanities - Levi - 07-17-2009

ShotoJuku Wrote:The REA book is fine, the COMEX book (IMO) is better. I think you're doing fine.

I completely agree. Smile

REA Guide for Humanities - 94steve - 07-17-2009

I took one look at one of the practice tests and immidiately decided to go another route. I'm all about learning new things but art, literature, and especially music are out of my league.

REA Guide for Humanities - Levi - 07-17-2009

94steve Wrote:I took one look at one of the practice tests and immidiately decided to go another route. I'm all about learning new things but art, literature, and especially music are out of my league.

I wouldn't be so sure it's out of your might surprise yourself. Rolleyes

REA Guide for Humanities - 94steve - 07-17-2009

I need 3 more humanties credits to satisfy my TESC humanities gened requirements for my BA. DSST World Religions seems like it'd be alot more fun to study for even though it has a reputation for being a difficult exam.