Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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Anyone else having problems...? - P00057870 - 07-11-2009

Trying to access the Peterson's tests at this site:

MCPL: Education & Career

I tried last week before a CLEP and again this morning.

It says the page is not functioning.

Please check out and let me know.


Anyone else having problems...? - campbell0021 - 07-11-2009

It works for me no problem and was able log in

Anyone else having problems...? - marianne202 - 07-11-2009

Hi Judy,

I just tried it and it worked fine for the CLEP and DSST practice tests. Clear your cache and try again or check that your pop-up blocker settings haven't changed. Those pesky anti-virus are always changing our setting behind our backs! LOL! If not try the Search for Colleges and Universities, Graduate Schools, Online Degree, Private Schools - Peterson's website they have practice tests for both. You may also want to try accessing the other website via a google search to see if your link just corrupted. Just a few thoughts. I hope you get in. I love that site and would be upset if it disappeared!

Good Luck!

Anyone else having problems...? - P00057870 - 07-12-2009

Tried again, ladies. The first one opens to the MD Library but the next link does not ...

Marianne, clicked on the link you provided, it says it is but it too says the same thing.

It is the page that comes up where it says to check your internet connection. Obvsiously I'm on, also did diagnostic check and it says it is okay. I delete my cookies and browsing history repeatedly but did it again just before, in case.

Just can't figure it out, because it has worked in the past.

Anyone else having problems...? - marianne202 - 07-12-2009


It sounds like your browser or security software isn't allowing the pop-up window to open. You will have to check the settings in all your security software, browser and ISP software.

My other suggestion is to load firefox/mozilla browser and try to access that way.

I looked again and both are working fine for me, so I think you are being blocked by your software. You may also want to go in and lower your security settings or try turning off your security software all together and see if that works. If it does than you know where the problem lies.

Technology is so frustrating some times!

Anyone else having problems...? - P00057870 - 07-24-2009

For some reason, whether trying to access Petersons directly, through the MD Library link or any other links here, and also tried my local library, I just could not get through. Finally got with my work technicians and one of them came over to take a look. It turns out that some site I had visited had added a tool bar at the top, that was not something I had ever used. It included a yahoo search area and a few other things.

Once he saw I could get to these sites at another computer on my desktop at work, he thought that might be a problem and since I did not ever use it, he deleted it and things are working again.

Celebration time!

Anyway, thought I would just post this here in case it can be helpful to someone else in the future.


Anyone else having problems...? - Chebasaz - 07-24-2009

I had that issue several times myself, but switching to Google Chrome fixed it for me.

Every now and then if I try to go directly to the test site it will give me the "Page Unavailable" error, but if I back up to the MPL main page and enter the test that way it works everytime.