Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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Fundamentals of Counseling - Criticalthinker - 08-10-2006

I searched this, and saw that a few had taken it.
At this point, I'm planning on taking it tomorrow with Here's to your health.

They will be my first Dsst exams.

I took a practice exam this morning for Fundamentals, and it scared me to death. I scored 31 out of 50 and there was so much about theorists on it, as well as specific statistics regarding suicide, alcohol.

I'm not sure about this aspect either....I copied and pasted my answers on a word document, because I wasn't sure I could access my test score and answers again on the site the same way I do with practice Cleps.

Any new thoughts on this exam in general?

Also how do the Peterson's practice tests compare to the real thing? There were only 50 questions. I would have to pay another 19.95 get another version of the test. Ack! I can take the one I took this morning again.

I thought I would be fine with this exam, because I have some counseling background, as well as an interest in the subject, plus have taken a lot of social science courses. I'm just not sure what to think. Feeling pretty jittery about it...lots of other life stuff going on too.

Just yell at me or something, not sure what I need here. I may be "weirding out" as I reach the end of my testing out road. :confused:


Fundamentals of Counseling - snazzlefrag - 08-10-2006

Hi Mary,

31 out of 50 is a passing score. Peterson's are infamous for being somewhat more difficult than the real thing.

Did you study the Instantcert material for Counseling? If so, I'm sure you will do just fine. If not, you should probably do some research on the actual theories, theorists, and concepts rather than leaning ENTIRELY on your own experience (although that will come in handy too).

I assume that you HAVE studied Instantcert, but just wanted to make sure. Big Grin

Try not to worry, 31 out of 50 (62%) is enough to get you a pass. Any additional last minute study you do tonight, will obviously only help your performance.

I plan on taking this exam next week, so any feedback you can provide after you take it tomorrow will be VERY MUCH appreciated.

Best of luck,

Fundamentals of Counseling - Criticalthinker - 08-10-2006

snazzlefrag Wrote:Hi Mary,

I assume that you HAVE studied Instantcert, but just wanted to make sure. Big Grin

Try not to worry, 31 out of 50 (62%) is enough to get you a pass. Any additional last minute study you do tonight, will obviously only help your performance.

I plan on taking this exam next week, so any feedback you can provide after you take it tomorrow will be VERY MUCH appreciated.

Best of luck,

You see that I haven't taken any math exams...Big Grin

I guess 31 out of 50 isn't so awful when you put it in percentage terms. I just saw all those incorrects, in a different format, and freaked.

I think I am nervous because I've been in a CLEP comfort zone. Changes scare me, new fonts scare me!

Yep, I have been studying the IC cards. I can answer pretty much all of those. No offense taken at all on that question.

I will let you know for sure what I think of the exam. I am going to do some more theory research.
I don't want to slight Here's to Your Health I am going to have to budget my time and energy this afternoon and tonight.

I think I remember someone in a post mentioning a counseling theorist site on I'm going to try and find something with an outline of sorts.


Fundamentals of Counseling - snazzlefrag - 08-10-2006

DANTES are nothing to be afraid of.

I have taken 17 DANTES and 10 CLEPs so far, and I can honestly say that I don't even think about whether my next exam is CLEP or DANTES anymore. They are BOTH just as doable.

The benefit of DANTES is that they are untimed. This will probably feel great after only having done CLEPs up until now. Take your time, kick your shoes off, and just relax. If a question throws you, just leave it for now and come back to it later. There's no rush!

Try not to panic as you work your way through the questions. There WILL be some questions that you find difficult. Most people feel uncertain about how they have done on DANTES exams because of this. But nobody expects you to get EVERY question correct, and the exams are scaled to reward those who do better than the average test taker. So you can still score high even if you get questions wrong. So just do your best, and you will most likely be pleased when your score report arrives.

Seriously, if you have studied IC and you have already passed the Peterson mock, you are most likely in a good position to do well tomorrow. Light review this afternoon and tonight will ensure you do GREAT.

Don't stress out Mary.

You're going to do fine,

Fundamentals of Counseling - Criticalthinker - 08-10-2006

Thanks for the encouragement. I am just going to put everything else I'm dealing with in my life on the back burner for the next 24 hours, and concentrate on getting through these two exams tomorrow.

I took the review for Fundamentals and got 48/ I guess those answers stuck.

Wish I could take the other review test, but I'm about out of funds.

I am going to do IC's intro to Psychology cards, because I assume they deal with theories/names etc...Wish I could take that test, but I already have those credits from long ago.

Thanks much for the support this afternoon.

It helps to hear somebody's cyber voice, saying "don't stress, and you're going to do great!"


Fundamentals of Counseling - snazzlefrag - 08-10-2006

Criticalthinker Wrote:I am going to do IC's intro to Psychology cards, because I assume they deal with theories/names etc...Wish I could take that test, but I already have those credits from long ago.

Check out the links I posted today in the Intro to Psych thread (should be near the top).

The web site I link to has a section on therapies. May be a nice additional resource for you.

Best of luck,

Fundamentals of Counseling - X #911 - 08-10-2006

Criticalthinker Wrote:I searched this, and saw that a few had taken it.
At this point, I'm planning on taking it tomorrow with Here's to your health....
Wishing you a big GOOD LUCK on your two tests tomorrow!

snazzlefrag Wrote:...The benefit of DANTES is that they are untimed. This will probably feel great after only having done CLEPs up until now. Take your time, kick your shoes off, and just relax. If a question throws you, just leave it for now and come back to it later....

When taking a Dantes test you may return to a question, but are you able to go back to a clep question later? Or you must answer it when I is on the screen? Thank you in advance for a reply. (From anyone!!!!!!!!)

Fundamentals of Counseling - Librevore - 08-10-2006

Hi CT,

First chance to get online today...Want to wish you luck tomorrow! You are going to do great.Smile


Fundamentals of Counseling - Criticalthinker - 08-11-2006

I have just finished my last two tests...I feel sort of numb, actually.

I am 99% sure I passed. For IU, I need a "45" on the Fundamentals of Counseling, and a "48" on Here's to your health.

I definitely recognized most of the questions/answers from IC. There were about 5 totally unfamiliar questions on each and maybe 20 total on each where I couldn't eliminate the other three answers immediately.

The test administrator was so helpful and the atmosphere at this General Studies department so everywhere of grads, a huge poster of a general studies grad in the testing room, black and white and artsy, made me feel so good about the whole non traditional path, and all the people who have gone before...

Passing these will give me 45 credits by exam. Now I HAVE to get to work on finishing my remaining coursework for my IU courses, no excuses!!:eek:

I have 4 exams total left to go in my 3 self paced online courses. I am one assignment and one exam away from finishing my computer course, 4 assignments and 1 exam away from gender role sociology course, and 6 assignments and 2 exams away from a sociology of religion course.

I have had to put my mind into test prep and have put those courses aside for the past few weeks, but now I must get on with them. Should be done by mid September.

I am so glad I took at least two dsst exams. Now I know a bit more about what many others on this board experience in terms of that type of testing, including the wait. Even though I'm pretty sure I passed, I will be glad to see some big envelopes in my mailbox soon! Wink


Fundamentals of Counseling - snazzlefrag - 08-11-2006

Criticalthinker Wrote:I have just finished my last two tests...I feel sort of numb, actually.

I am 99% sure I passed. For IU, I need a "45" on the Fundamentals of Counseling, and a "48" on Here's to your health.

Well done CT,

I have absolute faith that you will have passed these two exams. Now you just have to wait for the big brown envelope to confirm it.

Best of luck as you complete your courses,