Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
Newbie Expressing many, many, many Thanks! - Printable Version

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Newbie Expressing many, many, many Thanks! - liarock - 02-28-2009

I have taken 3 cleps so far, earning 9 college credits within a month, and it feels GREAT!
I can not thank you all on here enough, the regular (and not so regular) posters whose replies on this wonderful forum have given me invaluable information and support!

I've been lurking all this time because 99.9% of my question have already been posted and answered.

Just taking a break from studying and reading the supportive and encouraging replies to others makes me feel more confident about my goals, and so happy to have found this place.
I look forward to sharing any input now that I feel a bit more "seasoned".

You all , seriously, ROCK! Smile

Newbie Expressing many, many, many Thanks! - candothis - 02-28-2009

liarock Wrote:I have taken 3 cleps so far, earning 9 college credits within a month, and it feels GREAT!
I can not thank you all on here enough, the regular (and not so regular) posters whose replies on this wonderful forum have given me invaluable information and support!

I've been lurking all this time because 99.9% of my question have already been posted and answered.

Just taking a break from studying and reading the supportive and encouraging replies to others makes me feel more confident about my goals, and so happy to have found this place.
I look forward to sharing any input now that I feel a bit more "seasoned".

You all , seriously, ROCK! Smile

Congrats on earning 9 credits in a month!! That MUST be a good feeling.
Which exams did you pass?
Keep going strong.............

Newbie Expressing many, many, many Thanks! - Lindagerr - 02-28-2009

I agree this sight can really make a difference, the people are so supportive and informative. Fellow ICers are the best "classmates" anyone could ask for.

How many more test are you planning?

Newbie Expressing many, many, many Thanks! - frankiebleyes - 02-28-2009

Taking first exam wed, any suggestions on study guides other than flash cards. Getting eye strain:eek:


Newbie Expressing many, many, many Thanks! - liarock - 03-03-2009

I've taken Intro Sociology 76
Intro Psych 67
US History 1 68 (most challenging for me)

First I check out older edition college texts from college library (newest editions are "reserved" cannot be taken home.) I choose ones with lots of pictures/maps/diagrams, that don't seem too "dry" to read.

Second, I watch any videos/documentaries online to build interest and get pictures in my head. This beats the "eye strain", and even if you don't use the specifics, the reading makes more sense after watching something.

Third, I read text, SKIMMING and taking notes on important high lights that I won't remember.

Next, IC Flash Card Time

Last I practice test, looking up in text/wiki on concepts/people of questions I got wrong.

I review notes and take practice tests till I am satisfied that I have most of it down. Make up some acronyms to remember people/place.

Then I test ASAP! My brain hurts keeping that info in, I often schedule a test the day before, the minute i feel ready and sick of reviewing, best advice on here: Do not wait!

Lindagerr- Thank you! I need 6 more tests. My college accepts 30 clep credits. A whole year of classes! This is almost too good to be true!

Frankiebleyes- Good Luck! Don't go on empty stomach, don't stress, you will be surprised how much easier the actual cleps are compared to practice tests. Ask for scrap paper, some questions will have info/clue to other answers. Keep in mind NO ONE is expected to know all the questions. Some questions are "trail " questions, you won't be scored for them, keep that in mind when you encounter a ridiculous question, or something with 2 obvious correct answers you cannot choose from.