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Research Methods in Psychology - tcc - 08-07-2006

I took this today and passed with an A. I got feedback from people who had taken it on, and found that really useful. I used an old edition of the recommended textbook, along with the study guide that goes with it - I actually used this study guide, because there was a list of multiple choice questions for every chapter, and it ended up being the equivalent of a practice test. I also used the research and statistics chapter of Kaplan's GRE Psychology prep guide. Be sure you understand the design and process of experiments, because it seemed to me that the majority of the test questions were focused on that aspect. The textbook (Experimental Psychology/Myers & Hansen) comes with a glossary of terms for each chapter, which was convenient, as so many of those terms are on the Content Outline for the was like getting a jump start on things. I probably spent twenty hours studying, as it was a required course, plus I needed a good grade to keep up my gradepoint.

Research Methods in Psychology - Librevore - 08-08-2006

tcc Wrote:I took this today and passed with an A. I got feedback from people who had taken it on, and found that really useful. I used an old edition of the recommended textbook, along with the study guide that goes with it - I actually used this study guide, because there was a list of multiple choice questions for every chapter, and it ended up being the equivalent of a practice test. I also used the research and statistics chapter of Kaplan's GRE Psychology prep guide. Be sure you understand the design and process of experiments, because it seemed to me that the majority of the test questions were focused on that aspect. The textbook (Experimental Psychology/Myers & Hansen) comes with a glossary of terms for each chapter, which was convenient, as so many of those terms are on the Content Outline for the was like getting a jump start on things. I probably spent twenty hours studying, as it was a required course, plus I needed a good grade to keep up my gradepoint.

Fantastic tcc! Thanks for the feedback too.


Research Methods in Psychology - ShotoJuku - 08-08-2006

tcc Wrote:I took this today and passed with an A.

Terrific News - Outstanding Grade!!

Research Methods in Psychology - snazzlefrag - 08-08-2006

Well done tcc,

Your feedback is very helpful.

It's encouraging to see that people are able to score A's on these UL ECE exams. It gives me hope!

Research Methods in Psychology - Kiwi Lover - 08-08-2006

tcc Wrote:I took this today and passed with an A. I got feedback from people who had taken it on, and found that really useful. I used an old edition of the recommended textbook, along with the study guide that goes with it - I actually used this study guide, because there was a list of multiple choice questions for every chapter, and it ended up being the equivalent of a practice test. I also used the research and statistics chapter of Kaplan's GRE Psychology prep guide. Be sure you understand the design and process of experiments, because it seemed to me that the majority of the test questions were focused on that aspect. The textbook (Experimental Psychology/Myers & Hansen) comes with a glossary of terms for each chapter, which was convenient, as so many of those terms are on the Content Outline for the was like getting a jump start on things. I probably spent twenty hours studying, as it was a required course, plus I needed a good grade to keep up my gradepoint.

WELL DONE tcc! Congratulations on getting an "A" too! Thanks for posting the helpful information - we really appreciate the excellent feedback.

Take care,
JoAnne :p