Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
Which US History CLEP covers Reconstruction? - Printable Version

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Which US History CLEP covers Reconstruction? - craftkc10 - 02-21-2009

According to the College Board site, US History I CLEP goes through 1877 and US History II starts in 1865. This would indicate Reconstruction is covered on both...true?

Which US History CLEP covers Reconstruction? - MCunningham - 02-21-2009

I just took US History II, and it had a few questions about Reconstruction. As I recall, US History I ended with the Civil War, so I don't think Reconstruction was addressed on that one.


Which US History CLEP covers Reconstruction? - CLEP101 - 02-21-2009

I took both US History I & II, and I don't remember anything specific to reconstruction. There were maybe one or two questions in both exams combined, if any.

Which US History CLEP covers Reconstruction? - Scholar Interrupted - 02-23-2009

Reconstruction is touched on in Am Hist I, and then Am Hist II goes into more detail, especially (as I recall from last summer) the 13th, 14, and 15th amendments.