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Just took Sociology - Karenel - 08-07-2006

This was my second exam first was Dantes World Religions and today Clep Sociology.....I PASSED!!!! My score was a 70 Sad but I only studied for 5 days using IC. The material on IC was sufficient, but critical thinking is a between the lines, a lot of the questions were in the IC answer explanations...but a BIG hilarious thank you to IC for making this the fastest and easiest way to get those credits. I only have two more courses to go, Dantes Ethics and CLEP Human Growth and Development, from what I have read on the board HG & D is the next choice to make, once I have passed these two then I finish my Nursing Core with Excelsior and I am FINITO!!!! Smile

Just took Sociology - ShotoJuku - 08-07-2006

Karenel Wrote:This was my second exam first was Dantes World Religions and today Clep Sociology.....I PASSED!!!! My score was a 70


Just took Sociology - snazzlefrag - 08-07-2006

Karenel Wrote:This was my second exam first was Dantes World Religions and today Clep Sociology.....I PASSED!!!! My score was a 70 Sad but I only studied for 5 days using IC. The material on IC was sufficient, but critical thinking is a between the lines, a lot of the questions were in the IC answer explanations...but a BIG hilarious thank you to IC for making this the fastest and easiest way to get those credits. I only have two more courses to go, Dantes Ethics and CLEP Human Growth and Development, from what I have read on the board HG & D is the next choice to make, once I have passed these two then I finish my Nursing Core with Excelsior and I am FINITO!!!! Smile


You DO realise that a "70" is an EXCELLENT score, don't you?

It doesn't mean '70%', it means a 'scaled score of 70 out of a possible 80'. Statistically, it means you did better than about 97% of people who took the same test.

Just making sure you knew that, since you did a sad face after you told us your score.

You kicked butt today! Congratulations!

Just took Sociology - X #911 - 08-07-2006

Karenel Wrote:This was my second exam first was Dantes World Religions and today Clep Sociology.....I PASSED!!!! My score was a 70 Sad but I only studied for 5 days using IC. The material on IC was sufficient, but critical thinking is a must...Smile

Well let me be the third person to "officially" (atleast on this forum) say-----------

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !

And you must have had it you passed. Smile

Edited for Typo!

Just took Sociology - Karenel - 08-09-2006

The encouragement is so welcomed..Wink And thanks for the statistics on the scoring, i wasn't aware of the percentile's. I guess i am used to standard grading from my previous "sit in the old boring class" routine :o It is truly wonderful to have a support team behind you...Big Grin