Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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Not feeling ready... - sallykod - 02-17-2009

I have read over these forum postings, gone through ALL 800+ IC info, taken all 3 Peterson's tests and I still don't feel like anything is going in. I am feeling quite apprehensive about this test because like many others, if I don't pass this now, I will not graduate on time. I have read all the encouraging words and believe them but am not feeling very confident in my ability just days before my test. I took the 3rd Peterson's tonight and scored VERY low. I know I am not supposed to put much in the one but I didn't do totally radiant on the second either.

I hope it will all turn out positively, just freaking out a bit..


Not feeling ready... - MissEmy - 02-18-2009

ahhh, sorry to hear! I totally know what that is like. What test are you working on? Have you checked out the specific exam feedback? That's been quite helpful to me, kinda sets you in the right directions as to what you should be studying and all.

Not feeling ready... - sallykod - 02-18-2009

Biology CLEP..I am done with yesterday's pitty party. It is on turning back. The worse thing that can happen is I fail and have to retake in 6 months. Whoopty doo!


Not feeling ready... - hijadeoshun - 02-19-2009

well thats the kind of attitude you need. its just a test do your best the worse thing that can happen is that you have to retake. its not the end of the world. i know how you feel though im freaking out about this information systems test next week. ive studied but i really don't feel that confident. but im going for it i postponed it once i was hoping to have it done by december but better late than never. good luck.

Not feeling ready... - killerkitty - 02-19-2009

i rescheduled my Human Growth and Development clep to 3/14......i just don't feel i don't want my nerves to get the best of me......
maybe you could give yourself a couple extra weeks?

Not feeling ready... - sallykod - 02-19-2009

I could wait longer but it will not make me feel more confident. I have had time to cover all the material and I have, so I might as well go for it!


Not feeling ready... - killerkitty - 02-20-2009

cool cool, good luck and i'm sure you'll do fine!!

Not feeling ready... - sallykod - 02-21-2009

So, get this! The server was down and they had to cancel the test! Going back on Monday to try to take it then.


Not feeling ready... - Lindagerr - 02-22-2009

Monday is a good day, gives you the weekend for last minute review. Good Luck on Monday.Wink