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DSST Civil War - dc67 - 02-16-2009

I am taking this test tomorrow. I have been through the specific feedback over and over "thank you google" and I have been studying non stop. I am still having trouble remembering all the battles, dates and generals. Do I need to know exact dates or just years for all of the battles? Any other last minute advice? After failing 2 EC exams, I just want to get this finished and be done. Then onto my "I am finished post"...............



DSST Civil War - peace123 - 02-16-2009

dc67 Wrote:I am taking this test tomorrow. I have been through the specific feedback over and over "thank you google" and I have been studying non stop. I am still having trouble remembering all the battles, dates and generals. Do I need to know exact dates or just years for all of the battles? Any other last minute advice? After failing 2 EC exams, I just want to get this finished and be done. Then onto my "I am finished post"...............




From what I can recall you do not need to know specific dates, just know in general which battles were fought when and who the generals were -as this will help eliminate some wrong choices in the questions or narrow down the choices.

In all honesty if you have put in a fair amount of time with the IC flash cards and have googled the info in the feedback section I am postive you will do fine.

I scored a 59 (an A at Excelsior) on this exam and to give you an idea of how clueless I was about the Civil War prior to starting to study for this exam- I had no idea the south elected a President or had its own government. So if I can score an A starting from square one, anyone can.

One suggestion, If you have not already watched the Ken Burns video's- then watch some of them on you-tube today instead of doing last minute intensive studying/cramming. I found these video did help me in absorbing some facts and the music in them seemed to have a calming effect. I guess what I am trying to say is relax, I am sure you will do fine.


DSST Civil War - studyhard - 02-16-2009

dc67 Wrote:I am taking this test tomorrow. I have been through the specific feedback over and over "thank you google" and I have been studying non stop. I am still having trouble remembering all the battles, dates and generals. Do I need to know exact dates or just years for all of the battles? Any other last minute advice? After failing 2 EC exams, I just want to get this finished and be done. Then onto my "I am finished post"...............



PM me with a real e-mail and I'll send you my study notes.

DSST Civil War - creationstory - 02-16-2009

studyhard Wrote:PM me with a real e-mail and I'll send you my study notes.

the test really isn't hard.. just use IC

DSST Civil War - mcakes - 02-16-2009

Doug, I have been studying hard too. Let me know how it was after the test. There were several questions that I was not sure about on the forum. For instance, what party was split. I think it was the Whig, but the Democratic party also split. I also did not find what Lee's men suggested he do at the Appomadix courthouse. I researched forever on that and did not ever find that one. Did you find that answer?
Good Luck and I will be in your same shoes on Thursday night! I gues this is tougher, because this is the last one that stands in my way of graduating on May 4!

DSST Civil War - mcakes - 02-16-2009

Can I have your study guides as well? I pm you, but it was the first time I did it so I hope it worked.