Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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Which is better - jennybears3 - 01-23-2009

I need to take either The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union or The Modern Middle East. I don't know much about either topic and neither of them sound very interesting.

Which is better - ShotoJuku - 01-23-2009

[COLOR="Navy"]Better? Not sure...

I took the DSST Rise and Fall of the USSR a few years ago, definately an exam you MUST be prepared for.[/COLOR]

Which is better - jennybears3 - 01-23-2009

Also do DSST exams pretty much run the same way as CLEPs? Do you get your score instantly like you do with CLEPs? I have a call into a test center to scheduele an appointment but I got voicemail so I have to wait for a return call.

Which is better - studyhard - 01-23-2009

I think I'd pick the USSR, just because it's ONE country to focus on. Big Grin It also spans a smaller time period.

I've taken both tests and they are both tough, although definitely passable with plenty of study. And actually, they WERE interesting--at least to me. The Middle East was a little more interesting to me, just because it shed specific light on why they're always squabbling over there today. Big Grin But both of them had interesting stuff to offer. Of course, I got a history degree, so I might be biased. Big Grin

Which is better - cframe - 01-24-2009

jennybears3 Wrote:Do you get your score instantly like you do with CLEPs?

Depends on the testing site ... some have converted to computer-based and give you an instant score. Other sites are still using paper and pencil exams. Then you are waiting a long 2-4 weeks.

Which is better - jennybears3 - 01-24-2009

Oh gosh! I don't know if I can wait 2-4 weeks! That's torture! I'm def going to have to ask how they do it when I get ahold of the testing site.

Which is better - studyhard - 01-24-2009

jennybears3 Wrote:Oh gosh! I don't know if I can wait 2-4 weeks! That's torture! I'm def going to have to ask how they do it when I get ahold of the testing site.

It IS torture. hilarious I only had to do it ONCE and I had anxiety dreams for weeks. Then they got my credit card number screwed up and sent me a letter about it and I had to wait even LONGER. :eek: :eek: :eek: