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Public Speaking Dante - Printable Version

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Public Speaking Dante - Tzipora - 01-01-2009

Did anyone take the public speaking DANTE recently? how did you study? For Charter Oak State College I still need to take the American Government CLEP (which I'm taking tomorrow) and The World Religions and Public Speaking DANTES. Is it true I have to order Dantes in advance? The testing center I go to said that administer DANTES and I usually just call them right before I show up and its not a problem but now I hear I have to order the DANTE in advance??? I am SO close to finishing up my BA. Some guidance please! Thank you!

Public Speaking Dante - bat21 - 01-03-2009

I did my speech through BYU, since I bombed the Speech Clep,It depends on who they select to grade your speech.