Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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COSC and FEMA - killerkitty - 12-17-2008

Hi all Smile
Was wondering if anyone knew how COSC went about accepting FEMA credits? If I credit bank them with TESC would they take them, and take more than 25 towards a degree?

In general, COSC tends to award less credits in general (not just FEMA) than EC and TESC right?

COSC and FEMA - Old Rusty Pipe - 12-17-2008

Charter Oak is very good about answering questions, even before you pay them a single dime. Just shoot them an email or give them a ring. They should be able to answer your question.

COSC and FEMA - killerkitty - 12-17-2008

cool thanks will do!

COSC and FEMA - alissaroot - 12-18-2008

I was curious about this too,so I sent COSC an email, Here's my reply:


I understand you have a question about the independent study courses and which ones yield academic credit. This link to FEMA (Emergency Management Institute - FEMA Independent Study Program) should give you an idea of the credit value for the exams. In general, one exam equals one credit, but there are several examples in which multiple exams are needed to meet one credit. We will accept all exams recognized as academic credit. They do need to be put on a Frederick Community College transcript. I hope this answers your question. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Shawn Holliday
Enrollment Counselor
Public Safety Administration Program
Charter Oak State College
55 Paul J. Manafort Drive
New Britain, CT 06053-2150
860 832-3882
Charter Oak State College - distance learning college, online degrees, courses

Well, there are forty-one fema courses that yield credit, sounds like they take all of them, but they appear to be like Excelsior on their transcription preference. I think getting them accepted off a TESC credit bank transcript is unlikely.

COSC and FEMA - killerkitty - 12-21-2008

beautiful thanks alissa!

COSC and FEMA - keylargo_diver - 12-22-2008

If I understand this correctly you have to pay $60 dollars to FCC to get credit. Doesn't seem like much of a bargain to me. At least compared to most CLEP tests. Is this cheaper for TESC students who use the credit bank? Or is the ability to complete credit quickly that makes this appealing?

I have searched through many pages and determined that these transfer for free at TESC and that Clackamas will award credit for $30/credit but what I still don't understand is if it is an ace approved course will EC award credit for these if they are on an ace transcript? Same as a Penn Foster course?

Thanks for any info.

COSC and FEMA - alissaroot - 12-23-2008

You are correct about it being $60/credit through FCC, and $30 through CCC. I do think that the speed that fema courses can be completed is what holds their appeal. TESC students do get to use around 27 fema credits for free, without having them transcribed through another school. The maximum that I have read in other threads is of Excelsior accepting fifteen.

I looked into using an ACE transcript six months ago, but when I tried to apply for the credits, it seemed to me that the version of these courses that is taught in person at EMI or an extension thereof is what is ACE approved, not the Independent Study versions that we are using. If I missed something, then please let me know, I would love to be able to use the fifteen courses I completed, but I won't pay $60 per credit, and I am not sure I care to negotiate the bureaucratic red tape through CCC, when taking a few CLEPs would be faster, cheaper, or more convenient.

I read in another thread that not all ACE approved courses are right there in the database I was looking in, so it is possible that the Independent Study versions are approved and that I missed them. If you or anyone else knows that they are, I am sure that a post detailing the process to get them transcribed on an ACE transcript will be very welcome and informative. Thanks.

COSC and FEMA - thatbrian - 12-23-2008

I would love to know for sure if EC has a 15 max.
alissaroot Wrote:The maximum that I have read in other threads is of Excelsior accepting fifteen.

COSC and FEMA - alissaroot - 12-23-2008

I have no idea for sure. I just seem to remember that is the most I had read about...and I did mention it in an email back when I first enrolled at Excelsior, let me see if I still have it...

Quote: I have also completed fifteen FEMA online independent study courses and the only reasonably affordable option is to get them transcribed through Clackamus Community College?(Then I babble on about TESC acceptance policy...)

Jodi Berstein-Liberal Arts Adviser-
Quote: As for FEMA, that is our is our long standing policy as to how we accept those credits in transfer as it is not an ACE approved program.

Well, that doesn't really answer the question of whether or not they accept more or less than fifteen. I will send another email, unless I can find ..hmm...nope I can't find the post, that is just the max I remember seeing them take, it could be more or less.

Ah here it is!

Originally posted by mlwilliamsiv on 2/21/2008

Quote:Excelsior will only accept up to 15 credits and they have to be transcripted by the colleges mentioned above.

And this thread says they will take a max of thirty for LS:

So, all in all, it's still a bit confusing! But these threads are why I thought 15 was the max, I would be very pleased to be wrong, but I don't think I've read anyone doing more than fifteen at Excelsior....? Okay, that's it I am sending another email. I will report back, but it I probably won't get a reply until after the holidays. Now I am all curious, I will find out for sure!

COSC and FEMA - killerkitty - 12-23-2008

if you want to pay $2460 to FCC or $1230 to CCC to transcribe the 41 FEMA courses available for credit, would you be awarded the full 41 credits at COSC? or TESC..or EC...

I mean wow that's a lot of credits and it's a nice bit of loot but not THAT much,,,like if you're trying to get a degree as soon as possible to get started on your MA... 41 credits just like that....