Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
Edinburgh Business school - Printable Version

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Edinburgh Business school - znawabi - 10-03-2008

I have heard that you don't need Bachelor's to get into their MBA program. I want to ask if anyone has any info on this school.

Edinburgh Business school - ShotoJuku - 10-03-2008

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Edinburgh Business school - BELLA - 10-07-2008

from their site:

Admissions and application

If you want to study an MBA or MSc programme by distance learning, you should read the relevant Student Handbook, listed below, to ensure that you understand the programme structure. You should then order your first course and start to study as an independent learner. You can then formally ‘matriculate’ (be accepted as a student of Heriot-Watt University) when you have either:

* downloaded and completed a matriculation form and provided evidence of your prior academic qualifications (normally a degree with first or second class honours from a university recognised by Heriot-Watt University);


* successfully completed three courses, at least one of which must be a core course for the relevant MBA or MSc programme. ‘Successfully completed’ means having purchased, studied and passed the relevant examination in each subject.

Edinburgh Business school - urbancowboy - 10-09-2008

I bought a few courses (theres 9 altogether) and each one comes with a 500pg textbook in 3-ringbinder. I failed 2 exams for 2 separate subjects.

Its extremely highlevel and to pass the class, its 100% dependent on the one exam. That was back when I was 20 years old. Now that I'm 28, things could be different as my discipline to study, learn and focussed have greatly increased.

In the mean time, I've started all over again and taking dantes/cleps and experience portfolios to fulfill all requirements at Excelsior. Getting a bachelors is easy, very doable and worth the effort. It also primes the mind to be a sponge to take on such tasks as doing mba's.