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Failed ECE - Mae - 08-01-2008

I failed my first exam today Sad ..... Labor Relations EC

I have the followed sheduled tests and I was hoping you guys could give me some advice and help so that I don't fail anymore. :o

Business Policy- TECEP
Business in Society - TECEP
Advertising - TECEP
....and now I need one more, any suggestions?

Failed ECE - Epiphany - 08-01-2008

Sorry to hear that Mae. I don't know much about TESC, but I'm sure a lot of people on here can help you out.

Good luck on your TECEPS.

Failed ECE - Katterina - 08-02-2008

Sorry to hear about Labor Relations. I've heard it's a tough exam. Sad

Best wishes for the TECEPs. I never tried my hand at those. With 15 credits to go, you're almost there. You can do it! Smile

Failed ECE - ali4nia - 08-02-2008

Get the practice exam for those U/level tests (specially ECE) to practice before the test, even if it's not free, its okay,its worth it Wink

Failed ECE - Epiphany - 08-02-2008

I don't think there is an EC practice exam for that test. If anyone knows different let me know...I'll need it.

Failed ECE - avb - 08-02-2008

I took the Business Policy TECEP and needed to score a 60 to pass. I scored a 60, but I feel I got very lucky. I studied only using instantcert, but I would say i guessed on nearly 1/3 of the questions on the exam. If I were to do it again I would definitely get the textbook and read through it. The TECEP was much harder than CLEP or Dantes.

Failed ECE - Kiwi Lover - 08-02-2008

Mae Wrote:I failed my first exam today ... Labor Relations EC

I have the followed sheduled tests and I was hoping you guys could give me some advice and help so that I don't fail anymore.

Business Policy- TECEP
Business in Society - TECEP
Advertising - TECEP
....and now I need one more, any suggestions?

First of all, I'm so sorry to hear that you didn't do well on the Labor Relations exam. That IS a hard exam and I know because I took it and was shocked when I only earned a "C" instead of the "A" I was expecting! :eek: So I do understand how you feel about this particular exam, but please don't beat yourself up too much. Wink

Secondly, are all of your remaining exams required to be TECEP's?? If so, would "Sales Management" or "Marketing Research" qualify for the credits you need? If they do not have to be TECEP's, then why not go with a less expensive upper level exam like Dantes Business Law II, ECE Ethics or ECE Organizational Behavior? I'm just not clear on what type of exams you still need for your degree. :confused:

Lastly, Epiphany was correct in saying that, unlike the ECE exams, there are no practice exams for the TECEP's. Sad

Hope this helps,

Failed ECE - clep study guides - 08-02-2008

Don't let it get you down Mae. Sad How much time do you have until you need to take your TECEPs?

Read this thread for some general test taking advice. Maybe that will help.

Failed ECE - bat21 - 08-02-2008

Well I just got a D on Social Psych and C on World Pop.

So, I feel your Pain! I must now spend 235.00 to retake Juvenile Delinquency I got a D on that one back in April.Or wait the 6 months and have the Mil pay for it , but I want to complete it quickly.

Well So Far I Bombed 3 ECES , do not worry just try harder.

Failed ECE - Mae - 08-02-2008

Kiwi Lover Wrote:Mae,

First of all, I'm so sorry to hear that you didn't do well on the Labor Relations exam. That IS a hard exam and I know because I took it and was shocked when I only earned a "C" instead of the "A" I was expecting! :eek: So I do understand how you feel about this particular exam, but please don't beat yourself up too much. Wink

Secondly, are all of your remaining exams required to be TECEP's?? If so, would "Sales Management" or "Marketing Research" qualify for the credits you need? If they do not have to be TECEP's, then why not go with a less expensive upper level exam like Dantes Business Law II, ECE Ethics or ECE Organizational Behavior? I'm just not clear on what type of exams you still need for your degree. :confused:

Lastly, Epiphany was correct in saying that, unlike the ECE exams, there are no practice exams for the TECEP's.

Hope this helps,

Thanks JoAnne,

I was in shock for a few days...I really couldn't believe that I failed. Now I am over the 'horror' of it all and I am ready to get back "on the horse." :p

I need Business Policy and Business in Society as core requirements, and then I need 2 Area of Study. One must be from either Accounting or Marketing and I thought Marketing would be easier, so I am taking Advertising. For the other, I am planning on taking the Labor Relations TECEP (since I have already devoted some time towards it) I originally thought that the ECE was going to be easier than the TECEP...I should have used more sources to study from. I have already taken all the DSSt's that count as UL credits at TESC.- I think! (MIS, Human Resources, Org. Behavior and Money and Banking)