Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
How many courses do you have to take through TESC to graduate? - Printable Version

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How many courses do you have to take through TESC to graduate? - saiguanas - 07-30-2008

I can't find the answer to this. I'm sure you have to take atleast one class. Most colleges ask for about 30 hours.

I can't just clep or transfer everything, can I?

Also, they are pretty secretive about tuition. How much is one three hour class? (usually)

How many courses do you have to take through TESC to graduate? - bmills072200 - 07-30-2008

TESC is a 0% residency school - one of only 3 schools that does not have a residency requirement. So, no classes have to be taken at TESC. You can CLEP or Test out of almost everything. It depends on the degree program that you choose...

What degree are you looking to get and we will be able to help direct you as to the requirements...

How many courses do you have to take through TESC to graduate? - mlwilliamsiv - 07-30-2008

TESC's course tuition is as follows:

- New Jersey Residents - $132 (per credit hour)
- Out of State Residents - $175 (per credit hour)

TESC's Annual Enrollment Tuition is as follows:

Comprehensive Tuition:

- New Jersey Residents - $4,555 First Year/$3,795 Subsequent Years
- Out of State Residents - $6,520 First Year/$5,670 Subsequent Years

Enrolled Options Plan:

- New Jersey Residents - $1,350 First Year/$1,180 Subsequent Years
- Out of State Residents - $2,445 First Year/$2,115
- International - $3,340 First Year/$2,870 Subsequent Years

These rates are good through July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009

Hope this info helps.

From a loyal degree seeker,


How many courses do you have to take through TESC to graduate? - saiguanas - 07-30-2008

Pretty much just the quickest degree possible. It could be in the proverbial "Underwater Basket Weaving". I just need it as a requirment (but not officially required) to get into PA school. The actual requirements are to have the core plus pre-reqs and 90 hours but everyone I have talked to says that no one gets in without a batchelor's. Below is what I must have.

Courses I already have:

Fresh Comp I (CLEP)
Fresh Comp II
Intro to Computers
Intro to Computer Programming
Management in Computer Information Systems
Accounting I
Accounting II
US Hist I (CLEP)
Speech (CLEP)
Humanities (CLEP)
Environment and Humanity (CLEP)
78 hours of Avionics through Community College of the Air Force (could be used as electives and such)

Pre-Reqs I need to take:

Bio I
Bio II
Chem I
Chem II
Anatomy &Physiology I
Micro biology
Organic Chem
Poli Sci (6hrs)
Soc/Beh Sci

How many courses do you have to take through TESC to graduate? - saiguanas - 07-30-2008

So how does TESC make their money if you don't have to take one single class from them? Just graduation fees or what?

How many courses do you have to take through TESC to graduate? - barbeque22 - 07-30-2008

You are required to pay an enrollment fee and then registration fees each year there after.

How many courses do you have to take through TESC to graduate? - RKO477 - 07-30-2008

saiguanas Wrote:So how does TESC make their money if you don't have to take one single class from them? Just graduation fees or what?

There are also a lot of students who dont know (or didnt know in my case) about the options of testing out your degree. So they'll take regular TESC courses. I'm sure the main way TESC makes money, however, is through the annual enrollment fee.

How many courses do you have to take through TESC to graduate? - Lindagerr - 07-30-2008

It looks to me like you are going to have to take a lot of tough B & M science courses, Do you need Lab with your Bio, chemistry.micro or A & P? TESC does not offer any of these courses.

How many courses do you have to take through TESC to graduate? - saiguanas - 07-30-2008

Lindagerr Wrote:It looks to me like you are going to have to take a lot of tough B & M science courses, Do you need Lab with your Bio, chemistry.micro or A & P? TESC does not offer any of these courses.

Yep. I'll take those at the local community college though.

As for the enrollment, let me see if I understand this. If I CLEP everything I can and take the rest of the classes at my local college, all I have to do is send TESC a check for $1350 plus graduation fees and I get a diploma? Would this be considered a "diploma mill"? I mean, wouldn't it be looked down on out in the job market?

How many courses do you have to take through TESC to graduate? - cookderosa - 07-30-2008

saiguanas Wrote:Yep. I'll take those at the local community college though.

As for the enrollment, let me see if I understand this. If I CLEP everything I can and take the rest of the classes at my local college, all I have to do is send TESC a check for $1350 plus graduation fees and I get a diploma? Would this be considered a "diploma mill"? I mean, wouldn't it be looked down on out in the job market?

A diploma mill is a very real problem, but TESC is not one. TESC is regionally accredited- the highest accreditation available. This is the same accreditation as your local community college, your state university and the ivy league schools.
There are many colleges that are not accredited, but are still not diploma mills. (a lot of the strip mall technical colleges as well as career schools fit this category. Think massage therapy, cosmetology, culinary, truck driving....when these schools are free standing they are often not accredited nationally or regionally) A mill on the other hand, exchanges a degree for money- no work necessary. TESC is simply allowing you to submit LEGITIMATE credits you already earned to them without a residency requirement. They do, however, have classes for their students who are going the traditional route.
When I had my classes at TESC, it was rare that anyone else in my class was testing extensively (I tested out of 60 credits). TESC is a very popular school with the locals in Jersey, many had no idea it was "known" for being one of the "big 3" or even what that was. They simply have zero residency (unless you are military) requirement, so they have rock star status hereWink .