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Guess What Everyone....? Can U Guess? - Lydia - 07-23-2008

This probably should be in the off-topic section, but it does involve COSC and my Academic Autobiography (AA) requirement. So here it is:

My Academic Autobiography (AA) was APPROVED TODAY, just in time to make the July 31st Conferral!!! Hip Hip HOORAY Big Grin

Now I'm all done and will be an official graduate on the 31st of this month!! Now off to law school.....

So for those out there who feel discouraged, overwhelmed, and like it's never gonna happen for them--don't give up. It took me over a month to take my last 2 exams, even though they were fairly easy exams. Good things take time and soemtimes the end is not in sight until you're right up in front of it.

Here's the Lowdown:

My advisor (Karen) was my main strength. She pushed hard for me and bugged the heck out of the faculty to push them along. SHe even sent out notes on all my docs saying that I'm trying to confer this month so I can begin law school next month. Karen is wonderful. I couldn't ask for a better, more supportive advisor.

This morning I called my advisor and she told me that my AA was approved by 1 faculty member today, and that it was already forwarded to the 2nd faculty member (with a note explaining the situationBig Grin). My advisor told me that this person doesn't usually take too long to review the work. She told me that since I chose the Individualized Studies concentration, I neede 2 faculty members to approve my AA. Around 3pm today she called me back and said she had great news: The 2nd faculty member finished reviewing my AA and approved it! I was ecstatic and was giggling like a school girl. That was the greates feeling ever. I can't rememebr the last time I received news that affected me so much!

Big GrinBig Grin Ahh...What a feeling....

Guess What Everyone....? Can U Guess? - gcalvin - 07-23-2008

Congratulations! Now go change your sig. :p


Guess What Everyone....? Can U Guess? - barcotta - 07-23-2008

Congratulations!!!! My timing is great today--I NEVER get to be the first to congratulate. I better hit "Submit Reply" now before...

Guess What Everyone....? Can U Guess? - Lydia - 07-23-2008

gcalvin Wrote:Congratulations! Now go change your sig.

Hahaha..I just took your advice..and it felt good doing it!Big Grin

barcotta Wrote:Congratulations!!!! My timing is great today--I NEVER get to be the first to congratulate. I better hit "Submit Reply" now before...

Awe. I'm sorry...but you were very close, and I'll take it second than none at all :p

Guess What Everyone....? Can U Guess? - Lindagerr - 07-23-2008

Well 3rd time is a charm. Third [SIZE="7"]CONGRATULATIONS!!![/SIZE] should be too.

Good luck with Law school and don't forget to stick around and give us all more of your great advice.

Guess What Everyone....? Can U Guess? - pmc2009 - 07-23-2008

Congrats !!! Big Grin

Enjoy law school! (I'm jealous! :p)

Guess What Everyone....? Can U Guess? - Lydia - 07-23-2008

Lindagerr Wrote:Good luck with Law school and don't forget to stick around and give us all more of your great advice.

Hahaha...I don't know about "great" advice, but I'll definitely give my 2 cents Big Grin

Guess What Everyone....? Can U Guess? - dc67 - 07-23-2008

Congratulations. Good luck in law school and with whatever else you may pursue!!!!

Guess What Everyone....? Can U Guess? - Kelly Green - 07-24-2008

Congratulations! Big Grin

Law school is my eventual goal, too.

Do you mind if I ask what law school you will be going to?

Guess What Everyone....? Can U Guess? - alleycat - 07-25-2008

Congratulations! Great job and good luck in Law school!