Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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I am taking the intro to Sociology clep - lisira - 07-17-2008

did anyone take the intro to sociology clep by only studying with instantcert? How did you do on the exam? I found that petersons and IC questions were so so different

I am taking the intro to Sociology clep - Lindagerr - 07-17-2008

I used IC and the peterson practice test got 69 last month. Use the exam specific feedback here it helps focus on some of the important stuff

I am taking the intro to Sociology clep - Chica - 07-17-2008

Hi, I took the clep sociology clep last week and IC did help to reinforce some of things that I learned from Wikipedia and I also checked a REA and a Kaplan book out of the public library for the practice tests.
Overall I think that it is doable with IC if you have a little background in psych or similar.
The test was not too hard IMO.

GOOD LUCk, Im sure you'll most likely do fine with IC.

I am taking the intro to Sociology clep - DetroitSki - 07-17-2008

All you need is IC.

[SIZE="7"]All I used was IC![/SIZE]

If you can answer all the questions on the flashcards, you will blow this exam out of the water.

Don't even sweat it.

Check the Specific Exam Feedback on this forum, it'll give u some good 'heads up' information.

I am taking the intro to Sociology clep - dc67 - 07-17-2008

I used IC only and passed with a 54. Not a high score but A PASS IS A PASS. All it says on my transcript is credit!!!!

I am taking the intro to Sociology clep - pihhernandez - 07-17-2008

Yes, I studied for about 3 hours with instant cert, and also printed some flash cards from Flashcard Exchange - Flashcard Study and studied them for about 2 hours before I went to test today. I passed. I think you will do fine. Good luck. pam