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Saylor---Easy??? - midnite123 - 03-01-2023


I was just looking into SAYLOR.

Does anybody have any opinions on their courses?

Which courses has anyone found easy?

They sure are pretty cheap!


RE: Saylor---Easy??? - Kab - 03-01-2023

I wouldn't necessarily say that they are easy. In fact, at least a few years ago, there appeared to be some issues with discrepancies between notes, text, and the exams. However, they are generally affordable and achievable. It is important to do your research on each subject and how well it aligns with the final exam. However, please note that my personal experience is from many years ago, so it would be beneficial to seek out more current information from other sources.

RE: Saylor---Easy??? - midnite123 - 03-01-2023

(03-01-2023, 04:21 AM)Kab Wrote: I wouldn't necessarily say that they are easy. In fact, at least a few years ago, there appeared to be some issues with discrepancies between notes, text, and the exams. However, they are generally affordable and achievable. It is important to do your research on each subject and how well it aligns with the final exam. However, please note that my personal experience is from many years ago, so it would be beneficial to seek out more current information from other sources.

Thank You!!!

RE: Saylor---Easy??? - rachel83az - 03-01-2023

Not that long ago, Saylor exams were $25 each and were through ProctorU. The lack of alignment between course and exam, combined with ProctorU, meant that students often reported taking the exam 3 times (the maximum allowed) and still not getting credit. Since most of the courses were also available on and those could generally be passed the first time for $70/$100 each, it often didn't make sense to try to "save money" by taking Saylor courses.

Now, Saylor has a different proctor and each exam costs $5. If you take an exam multiple times and still don't pass, you've only "wasted" $15. Let's say that you have 4 exams that you want to take on Saylor now. And let's further assume that, for whatever reason, you're only able to pass one of the exams after exhausting all of your attempts (unlikely, but it could happen). You've effectively paid $60 for 3 credits (one course). As disappointing as it might be to have only passed 1/4th of your desired courses, that's still saving compared to taking that class at Not a huge savings, but a savings nonetheless.

We don't have a lot of data right now, but the pass rate does seem to be better these days than it used to be. I think it was MrPanda who has taken, and passed, several Saylor without any reports of issues.

RE: Saylor---Easy??? - midnite123 - 03-01-2023

(03-01-2023, 05:24 AM)rachel83az Wrote: Not that long ago, Saylor exams were $25 each and were through ProctorU. The lack of alignment between course and exam, combined with ProctorU, meant that students often reported taking the exam 3 times (the maximum allowed) and still not getting credit. Since most of the courses were also available on and those could generally be passed the first time for $70/$100 each, it often didn't make sense to try to "save money" by taking Saylor courses.

Now, Saylor has a different proctor and each exam costs $5. If you take an exam multiple times and still don't pass, you've only "wasted" $15. Let's say that you have 4 exams that you want to take on Saylor now. And let's further assume that, for whatever reason, you're only able to pass one of the exams after exhausting all of your attempts (unlikely, but it could happen). You've effectively paid $60 for 3 credits (one course). As disappointing as it might be to have only passed 1/4th of your desired courses, that's still saving compared to taking that class at Not a huge savings, but a savings nonetheless.

We don't have a lot of data right now, but the pass rate does seem to be better these days than it used to be. I think it was MrPanda who has taken, and passed, several Saylor without any reports of issues.
I appreciate the GREAT info!!!

RE: Saylor---Easy??? - MrPanda - 03-02-2023

Yes. I have passed many exams and I'll keep taking them.

But check every content at least once. Even the videos come up in the exams.

Even thinking that I know all the material, I could end getting 74 or 75.

And you also could get a few questions with no apparent good answer or more than one correct answer.

No problems with proctoring.

RE: Saylor---Easy??? - MrPanda - 03-04-2023

They are using the SmarterProctoring extension in Chrome.

RE: Saylor---Easy??? - Vle045 - 03-14-2023

(03-04-2023, 01:46 AM)MrPanda Wrote: They are using the SmarterProctoring extension in Chrome.

What is that?

RE: Saylor---Easy??? - MrPanda - 03-14-2023

An extension that in addition to controlling the webcam, also makes you share the tab you are using in the browser (like in Zoom, when you share a tab), plus locks it for you, so you canĀ“t move to another place.

RE: Saylor---Easy??? - bjcheung77 - 03-15-2023

For $5/exam, they're a steal for courses that aren't offered at or StraighterLine. If you need more lower level credits and don't mind NCCRS (for transfer into Excelsior/TESU), another option is which is affordable at $9/exam.