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Bypass and head to UMPI?? - Printable Version

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Bypass and head to UMPI?? - Slammyelis - 01-30-2023

Finishing up at Sophia and looking at whether I should go on to SDC or just head to UMPI. I'm applying to complete the BA in English with Professional Communication & Journalism concentration and have 13 courses I'll have to take at UMPI already...which, being that it's a lot of writing there already and I'm doing an English degree, might already take me into 3 term territory from the desired/ideal 2.  Tongue

Question 1: Current/former UMPI students, does it seem realistic that I will likely need 3 terms for nearly 40 credits at UMPI, even if I am fast at writing, because it's an English/Comms degree?

Question 2: These are the only courses I'd be able to take at Study, can anyone advise whether I should just do them at UMPI (because easier/faster, not necessarily because I'll potentially need 3 terms)?

BUS 240: Change Management @ UMPI = Business 304: Leading Organizational Change
BUS 260: Leadership @ UMPI = Business 209: Mentoring & Leadership Development in the Workplace

ENG 151: Intro to Literature @ UMPI = English 103: Intro to Literature
BUS 125: Intro to Business Computing @ UMPI = Business 109: Intro to Computing (*I hope to complete a Business Admin minor, if they let me, this is the only remaining course I would need to take for that.)

Thanks so much!  Big Grin

RE: Bypass and head to UMPI?? - acethroughcollege - 01-30-2023

(01-30-2023, 11:07 AM)Slammyelis Wrote: Finishing up at Sophia and looking at whether I should go on to SDC or just head to UMPI. I'm applying to complete the BA in English with Professional Communication & Journalism concentration and have 13 courses I'll have to take at UMPI already...which, being that it's a lot of writing there already and I'm doing an English degree, might already take me into 3 term territory from the desired/ideal 2.  Tongue

Question 1: Current/former UMPI students, does it seem realistic that I will likely need 3 terms for nearly 40 credits at UMPI, even if I am fast at writing, because it's an English/Comms degree?

Question 2: These are the only courses I'd be able to take at Study, can anyone advise whether I should just do them at UMPI (because easier/faster, not necessarily because I'll potentially need 3 terms)?

BUS 240: Change Management @ UMPI = Business 304: Leading Organizational Change
BUS 260: Leadership @ UMPI = Business 209: Mentoring & Leadership Development in the Workplace

ENG 151: Intro to Literature @ UMPI = English 103: Intro to Literature
BUS 125: Intro to Business Computing @ UMPI = Business 109: Intro to Computing (*I hope to complete a Business Admin minor, if they let me, this is the only remaining course I would need to take for that.)

Thanks so much!  Big Grin

I have heard that the leadership course at UMPI is a headache and takes a long time. So I would probably take it at SDC. 

If you take leadership at SDC I would also take change management there. 

BUS 125 is not a requirement for any of UMPI's degrees. BUS 200 (intermediate business computing) is and there is no alt credit for it.

RE: Bypass and head to UMPI?? - ss20ts - 01-30-2023

Personally, I would just move onto UMPI. I'd get the RA credit and have more credits applied towards my GPA.

I don't agree with taking Leadership or Change Management on Study over UMPI. I took them at UMPI and didn't find them difficult. Not sure why you're taking business classes with the BA in English.

RE: Bypass and head to UMPI?? - Slammyelis - 01-31-2023

(01-30-2023, 11:21 PM)ss20ts Wrote: Personally, I would just move onto UMPI. I'd get the RA credit and have more credits applied towards my GPA.

I don't agree with taking Leadership or Change Management on Study over UMPI. I took them at UMPI and didn't find them difficult. Not sure why you're taking business classes with the BA in English.

BUS 240 & BUS 260 are both required for the BA English - Professional Comm & Journalism concentration. BUS 125 (alternatively BUS 200) is just the last course I'd need for a Business Admin minor based on previous business courses I've taken and the two courses that overlap with the PCJ concentration already. Perhaps a shot in the dark if they'll allow this or not (I'll ask when I apply), but since it's just one class I'll give it a go.

Thanks for the tips, guys, and great point about GPA as well.

RE: Bypass and head to UMPI?? - dfrecore - 02-02-2023

I personally would exchange $200 for a better shot at finishing in 2 terms instead of 3 (saving $1400). That's $1200 upside potential.

I'm not certain exactly which courses I'd take at SDC, but I would definitely take 2 UL if it gave me a better shot.