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Credly Duplicate Badges - Printable Version

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Credly Duplicate Badges - jamshid666 - 05-24-2021

Last week, I finished another class on SDC.  I waited a couple days to see if the badge would automatically show up on Credly, but it didn't.  So, I went to the Request Transcipt function and sent my transcript to Credly.  I had 60 badges to start with, so I was expecting to see the number go to 61 badges, but when I logged on to verify it, there were 74 badges on the site, all but two of the classes that I've taken from SDC were duplicated.  The only difference was that some were "Intro to this class" and the duplicate was listed as "Intro to this class v.1."  For now, I went through and set the duplicates to private as I didn't feel comfortable enough to reject the duplicates.  Has anyone else noticed this behavior?

RE: Credly Duplicate Badges - rachel83az - 05-24-2021

That's weird. I haven't run into that (yet).

Credly Duplicate Badges - jch - 05-24-2021

One of the things I hate about this new ACE/Acclaim/Credly system is the mix of entities involved in the system. Previously, there was one entity running the show and responsible for everything. Now, there's issues with badges and endorsements not coming through correctly and no clear place to go. Each of the entities involved is likely to direct you towards the others.

RE: Credly Duplicate Badges - utility - 05-25-2021

It took me a few months to get a badge from a certain provider. It was endless back and forth and they kept sending me somewhere else to get the badge. Finally they decided that they could issue the badge. On their first attempt they sent me a dual badge, it was basically the badge I had earned with an extra certification. I emailed them and told them it was wrong. Then they sent me the proper or at least what appears to be the proper badge. I still have this dual badge and I'm just leaving it as-is since I don't want them pulling out the badge that appears to be the proper badge. I already have all of the credits that I need so this dual badge isn't doing anything for me.

RE: Credly Duplicate Badges - jinsoo - 05-26-2021

Was the course ACE approved? I e-mailed support about a missing badge, but was told the course was approved for credit by NCCRS and not ACE/Credly.

The e-mail transcript I received.

Quote:"There are two organizations that approve/recommend courses for transferable college credit: ACE (the American Council on Education), and NCCRS (the National College Credit Recommendation Service) courses can be transferred to your college on three types of transcript: an ACE transcript (from the American Council on Education via Credly), an NCCRS transcript (from Excelsior College, in partnership with the National College Credit Recommendation Service), or a transcript directly from

Communications 120 is approved for credit by NCCRS, but not by ACE. So, this course could appear on the NCCRS transcript type or the "direct from" transcript type, but not the ACE/Credly transcript type."

RE: Credly Duplicate Badges - jamshid666 - 05-26-2021

Yes, I try to avoid courses that are only NCCRS-approved.  The only NCCRS course that I've taken that wasn't also ACE-approved was SDC's Presentation Skills in the Workplace.  I don't find NCCRS to be inferior, I just like how ACE transcripts are consolidated to one source and that once your credits were applied to your ACE transcript, there was always a permanent record available even if the course provider went out of business.  At least that's how it used to be prior to this Acclaim/Credly fiasco.  I've probably lost somewhere around 20-30 credits from old course providers that stopped working with ACE prior to the switchover.  For example, I had 21 SH worth of credit from ICCP that will never show up on my Credly page.

RE: Credly Duplicate Badges - ashkir - 05-28-2021

I had Finance from Sophia show up twice my school gave me double credit for it lol

RE: Credly Duplicate Badges - bjcheung77 - 06-01-2021

Interesting, I just looked into my badges and nothing duplicated, seems fine for my account (and I hope it stays that way).

Credly Duplicate Badges - jch - 06-01-2021

Right now, most of my Acclaim/Credly badges have something wrong with them. I've been in contact with them, ACE, and the issuers for a month without any resolution. None of these issues would have occurred under the old system.

RE: Credly Duplicate Badges - ss20ts - 06-01-2021

(06-01-2021, 06:38 PM)jch Wrote: Right now, most of my Acclaim/Credly badges have something wrong with them. I've been in contact with them, ACE, and the issuers for a month without any resolution. None of these issues would have occurred under the old system.

I've had issues with getting my badges since the switch last year. I gave up. I ended up just using Parchment transcripts which my university happily accepted. I know every school doesn't accept them. Wish they would reconsider since this whole change has been a mess since it started and it's not any better 6 months later.