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Sophia Principle of Finance to Charter Oak? - Printable Version

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Sophia Principle of Finance to Charter Oak? - Clepper43 - 10-09-2020

As usual, the page for Charter Oak transfer equivalency hasn't been updated on Sophia. Has anyone had experience with transferring in Principles of Finance to Charter Oak?

RE: Sophia Principle of Finance to Charter Oak? - sambam0812 - 10-11-2020

(10-09-2020, 05:34 PM)Clepper43 Wrote: As usual, the page for Charter Oak transfer equivalency hasn't been updated on Sophia. Has anyone had experience with transferring in Principles of Finance to Charter Oak?
You can just reach out to the registrar and double check. I would try calling, I have mixed success with timely responses on emails.

RE: Sophia Principle of Finance to Charter Oak? - ss20ts - 10-11-2020

It's a fairly new course. It takes time for websites to be updated. With COVID, everything is taking much longer.

RE: Sophia Principle of Finance to Charter Oak? - person8612 - 11-15-2020

Closely related question: the wiki's equivalency page states that Project Management transfers to COSC as "Accepted as LL credit - exact equivalency currently unknown". Yet, Sophia's equivalency list says that it transfers as "MGT 460 Fundamentals of Project Management". Clearly both can't be right, so does anyone have experience to which one is?

RE: Sophia Principle of Finance to Charter Oak? - rachel83az - 11-15-2020

(11-15-2020, 01:35 AM)person8612 Wrote: Closely related question: the wiki's equivalency page states that Project Management transfers to COSC as "Accepted as LL credit - exact equivalency currently unknown". Yet, Sophia's equivalency list says that it transfers as "MGT 460 Fundamentals of Project Management". Clearly both can't be right, so does anyone have experience to which one is?

It's been said on the forum that people have only been able to transfer it in recently as LL credit and not the UL credit promised on the main Sophia site. But I don't know what it actually transferred in as, so there is no exact equivalency listed in the wiki.

RE: Sophia Principle of Finance to Charter Oak? - dfrecore - 11-15-2020

(11-15-2020, 01:35 AM)person8612 Wrote: Closely related question: the wiki's equivalency page states that Project Management transfers to COSC as "Accepted as LL credit - exact equivalency currently unknown". Yet, Sophia's equivalency list says that it transfers as "MGT 460 Fundamentals of Project Management". Clearly both can't be right, so does anyone have experience to which one is?

Sometimes it's hard to figure out - but in this case, I think that it transfers in as meeting that requirement (if there is one), but as a LL course, if that makes sense?