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New COSC policy for ACE and NCCRS providers - Printable Version

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New COSC policy for ACE and NCCRS providers - Clepking100 - 05-08-2020

"All courses, programs, or exams offered by alternative educational providers (non-regionally accredited entities) recommended for credit by NCCRS or ACE will not be accepted in transfer unless an agreement with the provider and Charter Oak exists. Students will be limited to a total of 90 degree-applicable credits from non-regionally accredited course providers, even if an agreement is in place."

This is huge and potentially a shift from a big 3 to the big 2

RE: Ganechanging, 90 credit alt credit cosc - natshar - 05-08-2020

When is this effective by?

Are current students grandfathered in to more than 90?

Where did you find this?

This is huge.

RE: Ganechanging, 90 credit alt credit LIMIT cosc - Clepking100 - 05-08-2020

At the COSC website -

(05-08-2020, 08:29 PM)Clepking100 Wrote: At the COSC website -

RE: Ganechanging, 90 credit alt credit LIMIT cosc - Michelle779 - 05-08-2020

Wow. I was gonna enroll for June but it looks like I better try to get in for May.

If that doesn’t work I might have to change my plans altogether....

RE: Ganechanging, 90 credit alt credit LIMIT cosc - Clepking100 - 05-08-2020

This is the kind of thing that breaks the forum. YOu will need to complete 90 credits at a RA college/univ if starting from scratch! Maybe now there is no more big 3, now its a big 2

RE: Ganechanging, 90 credit alt credit LIMIT cosc - Cofffeee - 05-08-2020

To add - how much will it cost to get Bachelor degree there ?  Confused

New COSC policy for ACE and NCCRS providers - kevie - 05-08-2020

On the Charter Oak student portal, there is a new notice (was not there a few days ago) that states that alternative educational providers recommended for credit by NCCRS or ACE will not be accepted in transfer unless an agreement with the provider and Charter Oak exists.  I am still new to this forum, so not sure if this is actually "new" news, but thought I should share. 

I am hoping to find out who they actually have current agreements with as I still have 8 UL courses I need to take over the next few months before my cornerstone class starts there in August and I was hoping I would not have to take all remaining courses soley with  I learned today also that Davar will not be accepted after July 1st.

RE: New COSC policy for ACE and NCCRS providers - jsd - 05-08-2020


I suspected it was just a matter of time before the the other two followed suit after TESU started this dumb policy of partnerships above and beyond ACE/NCCRS reccomendations.

I wonder how long EC will hold out.

RE: Ganechanging, 90 credit alt credit LIMIT cosc - jsd - 05-08-2020

Whoa, I saw the other post about needing a partnership with alt providers, but missed this.

End of an era.

Big 3 is done, and if THIS starts a trend, then Big 2 could quickly be done as well.

RE: Ganechanging, 90 credit alt credit LIMIT cosc - natshar - 05-08-2020

(05-08-2020, 08:39 PM)Clepking100 Wrote: This is the kind of thing that breaks the forum. YOu will need to complete 90 credits at a RA college/univ if starting from scratch! Maybe now there is no more big 3, now its a big 2

Don't you mean 30 credits from an RA college?

I don't know it isn't all bad. Plenty of people on this forum have 30 prior credits from a RA college before starting here. And actually you really only need 24 since 6 are from COSC anyways.

I guess it only is bad for those starting from scratch, but for anyone with prior RA credit it isn't too bad. Kind of saw this coming and knew a requirement like this would happen to at least one of the big 3 eventually.

(05-08-2020, 09:00 PM)Cofffeee Wrote: To add - how much will it cost to get Bachelor degree there ?  Confused

I don't know. But really you only need 24 credits RA since 6 are COSC. You don't have to take the other 24 at COSC just any RA school.

A semester at NMJC out of state (the cheapest RA  online credits I can think of) is $828 for 12 credits. That times two for 24 credits is $1656 so add that to the base price of a COSC degree. So these changes makes COSC at a minimum of $1656 more expensive unless someone can find cheaper RA graded credit. Cheaper in you live in New Mexico. Maybe some California CC would be even cheaper if you live there. I know a lot of California CCs are basically free to residents. 

However, this doesn't factor in financial aid at all and that could really change things, the pell grant could make the NMJC free. If this is the case, it isn't money that is the issue with this new policy it's the time it takes to do the courses.

COSC was like 2k cheaper than TESU. So even you did what I said COSCwould still be slightly cheaper than TESU. The only problem is if the method I said of getting 24 credits through NMJC would be practical. Also, if you have the credits might as well pick up an associates from NMJC with clep and dsst if you've got it, since almost half would be done.