Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion Finance - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Finance (/Thread-Study-com-Finance) Finance - d.cononge - 03-26-2018

Hey all,

     I wanted to get everyone's opinion. I am currently slated to take's Finance 101: Principles of Finance. I wanted to see how their Finance 104: Financial Management course is compared to Fin 101. I say this because they both come in as intro to finance, and I want to take the quicker/easier course. 

     Thanks for your valuable input and how thanks for how awesome instantcert is for everybody!!

RE: Finance - allvia - 03-26-2018

Finance 101: Principles of Finance is more basic in topic(s). I'm currently taking it and I'm at 50% of it and it says that I've covered 25% of the Finance 104: Financial Management. Depending what other courses you may have taken through you may be ahead in one over the other before you start.

RE: Finance - NolaRice - 03-27-2018

(03-26-2018, 05:09 PM)allvia Wrote: Finance 101: Principles of Finance is more basic in topic(s). I'm currently taking it and I'm at 50% of it and it says that I've covered 25% of the Finance 104: Financial Management. Depending what other courses you may have taken through you may be ahead in one over the other before you start.

How is the course? Is it very long/difficult? It's on my list and I am kind of dreading it. :/

RE: Finance - allvia - 03-27-2018

Parts are interesting, parts are dull.  It's starting to feel longer than it needs to be to me -  that could be because I have some prior knowledge in the area.  It is not difficult, but it does require you to pay attention.