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Pages: 1 2 - Course Progress? Is this normal?? - acamp - 03-11-2018

Good evening all,
After finishing the Finance class (due to the guardian scholarship), I started two nights ago MAT 97. There’s a lot of info so far and I have been doing a few hours or so each day since Friday through tonight.

My question to the pro’s our there: do you watch and/or read EVERY class lesson? That is what I am doing and there are a 123 lessons in this course which averages 8 minutes per video.

I have watched or read every lesson and completed all the quizzes up to chapter 6 out of 22. How is it though that some people literally FLY through the courses? Is if due to having strong prior knowledge and you just jump right to the quizzes? Am I missing something?

I did the basic math calculation and if I watch every lesson, average 8 minutes each, for all lessons that would be a total of 16.4 hours (not counting the time for the quizzes or to study for the final exam). Let’s say you study for about 2-3 hours in prep for the proctored final exam, is 20 hours the norm for each class?

It just seems that some people get through these courses in a day (some multiple courses in a day).

If any can share their insights into this or experience I would really appreciate it because it seems like it’s really time consuming (but maybe it should be??).

Thanks again.

RE: - Course Progress? Is this normal?? - dfrecore - 03-11-2018

For the courses I've taken, I've read almost everything, skimming things I already know. I do though, open up a second browser alongside the reading, and take the quiz as I'm reading, so I can refer back as needed.

I do not retake quizzes if I get 4 out of 5. - Course Progress? Is this normal?? - acamp - 03-11-2018

Since math isn’t so much knowing definitions and vocab, but rather building on each lesson, do you handle the math classes the same way as your other courses - such as a psychology or sociology course?

(03-11-2018, 10:42 PM)dfrecore Wrote: For the courses I've taken, I've read almost everything, skimming things I already know. I do though, open up a second browser alongside the reading, and take the quiz as I'm reading, so I can refer back as needed.

I do not retake quizzes if I get 4 out of 5.

... and also, on average for your courses, including lessons and studying for final proctored exam, how many hours do you usually take to complete a course on there?

RE: - Course Progress? Is this normal?? - Zavala - 03-11-2018

Prior knowledge and your own goals have a lot to do with the speed. If you know a subject already, reading the material is sufficient, but for things you aren’t familiar wraith, you will need to slow down and watching the videos certainly helps.

I took a bunch of business courses, which went very quickly due to workplace training I had received. But when taking Statistics, especially the math portions (which I haven’t used in years) the videos were needed for it to make sense to me... some I even watched twice.

A couple tips on the videos... First, there is a little settings button on the player that allows the video to be set to go faster, up to 2X normal speed. Also, there is a Timeline function beneath the video that lets you jump to a topic within the lesson, or jump back if something didn’t make sense.

One other nice thing is a lot of courses overlap, so for example if you check the other Finance courses, you should have some progress already after completing your first one. Good luck!

RE: - Course Progress? Is this normal?? - Cheeseburrito - 03-12-2018

20 hours sounds about right for a course with minimal to no previous knowledge, for me anyway. I took HIST 308 (Vietnam) something as a Canadian I knew absolutely nothing about. It was a 3 day marathon event for me, 8 hours a day. That put me at a high level of confidence going into the proctored final.

RE: - Course Progress? Is this normal?? - mudball - 03-12-2018

2hrs a day 5 days a week for two weeks is about what I plan for my son. A few classes are easier, some are harder & take longer. I'm thinking Algebra & Pre Calc. We watch every video, but most of the time at 1.5X speed. I have done classes in a few days, but when I do it's 6-8 hrs a day.

RE: - Course Progress? Is this normal?? - Ideas - 03-12-2018

On a topic I already know a lot about, maybe 12 hours, and if I don't maybe 20 hours if I want to go fast.

I often did 6 or more hours in a day, with lots of short breaks. I know that some others put in many hours per day like me. It would be a lousy day or two or three. Study, study more, study even more, eat, study more even though you are tired of it, etc.

I am good at speed reading, retaining info (if I put in extra effort), etc and in my opinion, most people do not have the time/focus/patience to hit them this hard. I'm one of the crazy one who was collecting credits fast because I wanted to save money and not let any credits pass me by (now though, I'm not as worried about getting all the undergrad credits). DegreeForum members tend to be the type who really want to complete courses faster.

I only watched about 10% of the videos for concepts that were harder to understand.

Also, some courses have overlap, so you could go to a course you have never opened before and find you're already 15% complete.

RE: - Course Progress? Is this normal?? - jsh1138 - 03-12-2018

(03-11-2018, 10:15 PM)acamp Wrote: Good evening all,
After finishing the Finance class (due to the guardian scholarship), I started two nights ago MAT 97.   There’s a lot of info so far and I have been doing a few hours or so each day since Friday through tonight.  

My question to the pro’s our there: do you  watch and/or read EVERY class lesson?   That is what I am doing and there are a 123 lessons in this course which averages 8 minutes per video.  

I have watched or read every lesson and completed all the quizzes up to chapter 6 out of 22.   How is it though that some people literally FLY through the courses?   Is if due to having strong prior knowledge and you just jump right to the quizzes?   Am I missing something?

I did the basic math calculation and if I watch every lesson, average 8 minutes each, for all lessons that would be a total of 16.4 hours (not counting the time for the quizzes or to study for the final exam).  Let’s say you study for about 2-3 hours in prep for the proctored final exam, is 20 hours the norm for each class?

It just seems that some people get through these courses in a day (some multiple courses in a day).

If any can share their insights into this or experience I would really appreciate it because it seems like it’s really time consuming (but maybe it should be??).

Thanks again.

some courses are more like 40 lessons, is the piece of the puzzle you're missing. I've burned through a course in a day before but the ones that are 150ish take awhile and no one is knocking those out in a day or two

RE: - Course Progress? Is this normal?? - Merlin - 03-13-2018

(03-12-2018, 09:00 PM)jsh1138 Wrote:
(03-11-2018, 10:15 PM)acamp Wrote: It just seems that some people get through these courses in a day (some multiple courses in a day).

If any can share their insights into this or experience I would really appreciate it because it seems like it’s really time consuming (but maybe it should be??).

some courses are more like 40 lessons, is the piece of the puzzle you're missing. I've burned through a course in a day before but the ones that are 150ish take awhile and no one is knocking those out in a day or two

As jsh1138 mentioned, different courses have very different levels of content, but in general, it really depends on a lot of factors. I wouldn't worry so much about trying to get the courses done in a day. The shortest courses maybe... if you have a reasonable amount of prior knowledge, but you shouldn't expect that to be the norm.

From what I've seen, it seems like the courses (all the online courses probably) run from anywhere from 12 to 60 hours of study time to complete (for someone without an existing background in the material) and maybe longer for courses that require projects, papers, or a lot of practice (like math). So, it is true that if you can put in 12 hours of study time per day you can complete the easier courses in a day, but most people probably don't have that kind of time. I can usually dedicate 4-8 hours a day, so I expect that an "easy" 12-hour course will take me 2-3 days and a "hard" 60-hour course will take more like a week or two. My goal is to average 12 credits per month which will get me to 120 credits within 6 months or so. Assuming most of the courses I take end up in the easy-to-medium range, I should be good. Smile

YMMV, but I recommend you go into this with the expectation that a week per course on average is more reasonable than a day per course unless you can put in a ton of time per day and/or are only taking courses where you have a huge amount of prior knowledge.

RE: - Course Progress? Is this normal?? - jsh1138 - 03-13-2018

well to be fair, all the ones i've done so far were the ones that i knew alot about. if you're starting totally at square one with a subject then it would take much longer