Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
SL American Gov - Printable Version

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SL American Gov - coefam - 02-04-2018

I just took a few courses from STraighterline and was wondering if American Gov there is a good course and if it’s open book on the final?

RE: SL American Gov - Merlin - 02-04-2018

(02-04-2018, 12:02 AM)coefam Wrote: I just took a few courses from STraighterline and was wondering if American Gov there is a good course and if it’s open book on the final?
You can look up the open book stats of any SL course by using the following link: Straighterline Online Exam Proctoring Details

That particular course appears to be closed book.

RE: SL American Gov - bjcheung77 - 02-04-2018

StraighterLine's American Government is a closed book course, and for me, I liked it...
Furthermore, it's a good option to complete a required course needed for degrees at the Big 3.
There are other options, but I think for Gen Eds such as that, I recommend to use SL/