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AP Equivalencies for TESU - Doodlebabe - 12-06-2017

So I'm going in circles with the College Board trying to get my scores sent to TESU (this is now the third time I will be faxing in my form... Dodgy). I've tried to find exact information on TESU's site but if it's there I can't find it. Can anyone tell me how many credits an AP Western Civilization and AP Language or Literature will run me? I can't remember if I took the language or literature test. Also, would the Language/Literature test cover both my English Comp requirements or just one? I scored 3 on each test. 

I'm nearing the end of my Study scholarship and if I need to take English Comp 2 I may as well do it for free. But ack, College Board has really slowed me down here.

RE: AP Equivalencies for TESU - dfrecore - 12-06-2017

TESU does not have the AP scores on their website (for some reason), so you're going to have to count on this board for some answers.

You might also try calling TESU to ask directly.

RE: AP Equivalencies for TESU - eriehiker - 12-06-2017

TESU gave me ENC 101 and ENC 102 for the AP English test that I took in 1993. 3 credits for each. I can't remember if I scored a 3 or 4.

RE: AP Equivalencies for TESU - Doodlebabe - 12-06-2017

(12-06-2017, 05:14 PM)eriehiker Wrote: TESU gave me ENC 101 and ENC 102 for the AP English test that I took in 1993. 3 credits for each. I can't remember if I scored a 3 or 4.

Thank you! I'm hoping a 3 will suffice for both courses.

RE: AP Equivalencies for TESU - quigongene - 12-06-2017

This is for CLEP, but I never faxed College Board anything. I just called them (wasn't comfortable faxing my CC info).

RE: AP Equivalencies for TESU - Doodlebabe - 12-06-2017

(12-06-2017, 06:24 PM)quigongene Wrote: This is for CLEP, but I never faxed College Board anything. I just called them (wasn't comfortable faxing my CC info).

Sadly they don't take archive score orders over the phone. Fax or snail mail and I feel even less secure sending my info via snail mail - especially this time of the year - than I do fax. Wish they made accessing archived scores easier, especially with more older students wanting to finish school.

RE: AP Equivalencies for TESU - cookderosa - 12-07-2017

TESU uses the ACE chart for AP scores for 3 or better- it is NOT a sliding scale, so at TESU, 3-4-5 all score the same. If ACE says "6 credits" that's what TESU will award, etc.

RE: AP Equivalencies for TESU - Doodlebabe - 12-07-2017

(12-07-2017, 12:45 PM)cookderosa Wrote: TESU uses the ACE chart for AP scores for 3 or better- it is NOT a sliding scale, so at TESU, 3-4-5 all score the same. If ACE says "6 credits" that's what TESU will award, etc.

Oh my gosh, this is amazing!! Thank you for this info Jennifer! And HAZAA I have one less class to take than I thought I might! Now to decide what to take for my last Study course.

RE: AP Equivalencies for TESU - dfrecore - 12-07-2017

This is good to know - I updated my spreadsheet. Some things to keep in mind:

1) Some current AP exams are no longer ACE-recommended (Studio Art, English Lit & Comp, Environmental Science, Comparative Govt, US Govt, Human Geography, Macroecon, Microecon)

2) Some newer AP exams were never ACE-recommended (Computer Science Principles, Research, Seminar)

3) The language exams ALL have a breakdown by score (3/4/5) to get different amounts of credits - some are 8cr/12cr/16cr, and some are 6cr/9cr/12cr - except German, which is just 6cr no matter your score.

I have also noticed that many colleges no longer give credit for both English Lang & Comp, and English Lit & Comp - not sure if this has to do with the expiration of Lit in 2016 or something else, but I did notice a change over the last couple of years from accepting both, to either one or the other, to just Engl Lang. So keep that in mind if you're having your kids take these courses in the future.

RE: AP Equivalencies for TESU - cookderosa - 12-07-2017

(12-07-2017, 03:33 PM)dfrecore Wrote: This is good to know - I updated my spreadsheet. Some things to keep in mind:

1) Some current AP exams are no longer ACE-recommended (Studio Art, English Lit & Comp, Environmental Science, Comparative Govt, US Govt, Human Geography, Macroecon, Microecon)

2) Some newer AP exams were never ACE-recommended (Computer Science Principles, Research, Seminar)

3) The language exams ALL have a breakdown by score (3/4/5) to get different amounts of credits - some are 8cr/12cr/16cr, and some are 6cr/9cr/12cr - except German, which is just 6cr no matter your score.

I have also noticed that many colleges no longer give credit for both English Lang & Comp, and English Lit & Comp - not sure if this has to do with the expiration of Lit in 2016 or something else, but I did notice a change over the last couple of years from accepting both, to either one or the other, to just Engl Lang. So keep that in mind if you're having your kids take these courses in the future.

Excellent pointers- thanks!!