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Craziest Proctoring Scenario? - Printable Version

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Craziest Proctoring Scenario? - a2jc4life - 10-06-2017

Someone let me know if this needs to be moved to off-topic, but I thought it might be reassuring for those who are new to, and nervous about, the online proctoring setup.  It's so easy to feel like everything has to be perfect.

What is the weirdest or messiest environment you've been in, or the craziest thing you've been wearing, while taking an online-proctored exam?

RE: Craziest Proctoring Scenario? - eriehiker - 10-06-2017

I have twin four-year-old daughters. I usually wait until they are sleeping to take my exams. One night, they both woke up and came into the room full-out crying. I sat them up on each of my knees and finished the exam. No problems from the proctoring end. It probably made a nice little clip.

RE: Craziest Proctoring Scenario? - a2jc4life - 10-06-2017

(10-06-2017, 02:46 PM)eriehiker Wrote: I have twin four-year-old daughters.  I usually wait until they are sleeping to take my exams.  One night, they both woke up and came into the room full-out crying.  I sat them up on each of my knees and finished the exam.  No problems from the proctoring end.  It probably made a nice little clip.

lol  I guess it's probably pretty clear they weren't offering you answers.  The proctor probably figured if you could still answer questions through the din, you must really know your stuff!  (No offense intended to your little ones with my reference to the "din," either.  I have five children, myself, and I love them but there's no question that sometimes it's noise and chaos!)

RE: Craziest Proctoring Scenario? - BingCherry - 10-06-2017

The very last proctored exam I had to take with Straighterline we had a tornado warning during the exam. LOL
I always sat on my bed to take these and the window is behind me. He and I could see it getting darker and darker outside and then suddenly the sirens went off. I said HEY! I have to pause the test immediately due to tornado warning! He said I see its dark and weird looking (the sky was green). I said I have to go in the living room and see the map and doppler radar. He said OK... BUT take me with you and keep the camera open at all times! (I use a laptop) HAHAHA  SO I DID!  He went with me to watch the doppler and wait it out (it hit north of me a few miles so we were good), then I went back in my room and resumed/completed the test. I was literally only 5 questions away from being done when it happened. He's probably never had that happen before!  Big Grin

Funniest story ever of my testing!

RE: Craziest Proctoring Scenario? - a2jc4life - 10-06-2017

(10-06-2017, 03:20 PM)BingCherry Wrote: The very last proctored exam I had to take with Straighterline we had a tornado warning during the exam. LOL
I always sat on my bed to take these and the window is behind me. He and I could see it getting darker and darker outside and then suddenly the sirens went off. I said HEY! I have to pause the test immediately due to tornado warning! He said I see its dark and weird looking (the sky was green). I said I have to go in the living room and see the map and doppler radar. He said OK... BUT take me with you and keep the camera open at all times! (I use a laptop) HAHAHA  SO I DID!  He went with me to watch the doppler and wait it out (it hit north of me a few miles so we were good), then I went back in my room and resumed/completed the test. I was literally only 5 questions away from being done when it happened. He's probably never had that happen before!  Big Grin  

Funniest story ever of my testing!

Oh my gosh!

RE: Craziest Proctoring Scenario? - bjcheung77 - 10-06-2017

That has to be the most insane one I've read about, I've not experienced anything remotely close to that...
The weirdest was when my wife walked in asking me if I wanted to have some soup, otherwise yeah...

RE: Craziest Proctoring Scenario? - BingCherry - 10-06-2017

I still can't believe he wanted to keep the cam on! My mom was in the living room already with doppler on, and my sister had flown in for my mom's big surgery so she was there too. The guy just watched and waited with all 3 of us. WHY? HA!!
Maybe he was wanting to see it on cam, I don't know.

RE: Craziest Proctoring Scenario? - rlw74 - 10-07-2017

Maybe he wanted to make sure you didn't blow away. lol. That is crazy!!!

RE: Craziest Proctoring Scenario? - a2jc4life - 10-07-2017

He probably had to make sure you didn't take advantage of the opportunity to go look up some answers or something before you came back.

RE: Craziest Proctoring Scenario? - Nixi - 10-08-2017

(10-06-2017, 03:36 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: That has to be the most insane one I've read about, I've not experienced anything remotely close to that...
The weirdest was when my wife walked in asking me if I wanted to have some soup, otherwise yeah...

You forgot to answer the most important question...did you want some soup that day?  Big Grin