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TESU graduation - Paramedic12 - 09-12-2017

Does anyone know if it's possible to graduate if all ACE transcripts/degree application are turned in by October 1st but i'm registered for the capstone Sep 25-Dec 17th? All other requirements will be met, I just have to finish the capstone.

(09-12-2017, 08:54 PM)Paramedic12 Wrote: Does anyone know if it's possible to graduate if all ACE transcripts/degree application are turned in by October 1st but i'm registered for the capstone Sep 25-Dec 17th? All other requirements will be met, I just have to finish the capstone.

December graduation**

RE: TESU graduation - bjcheung77 - 09-12-2017

You're cutting it close, I highly doubt they'll allow you to graduate as they require everything at least a couple of weeks BEFORE the date you mentioned (Dec 17th). You might want to email them once you apply for graduation, as they still need X amount of days for grading the capstone as well...

I don't think it's possible as per link:
If you are enrolled in a TESU course that begins in… You are eligible for…
September, October or November March Graduation

RE: TESU graduation - davewill - 09-12-2017

No. You had to be in the August term for Dec graduation. The other credits could have come in even in mid to late Nov, but not a TESU course.

RE: TESU graduation - rlw74 - 09-13-2017

That capstone course ending December 17th won't even be graded for at least a week. TESU is flexible about a lot of things but this isn't one of them. The only long shot I can think of is if you are in guided study. But even then, that assumes a lot of factors (you finishing really early, the professor agreeing to read/grade it early and possibly the TESU grading system reflecting your final grade early - which may not be possible). I was not in the guided study but I know in the online course I was not allowed to submit anything early.

RE: TESU graduation - davewill - 09-13-2017

Guided study doesn't change the course calendar, it just eliminates the blog interaction with other students.

RE: TESU graduation - rlw74 - 09-13-2017

That was my thinking too... As I said - a long shot. I think even if the professor graded it early it would not show up in the system as official until term ends.

RE: TESU graduation - Paramedic12 - 09-13-2017

Yeah that makes sense. I called TESU today and they confirmed I'd have to wait for march graduation. Still by far the fastest option out there so I can't complain. Thanks for the responses guys!

RE: TESU graduation - oldtown77 - 09-13-2017

Is the conferred degree important to get job or get into grad school, or an offical transcript can be used

RE: TESU graduation - Paramedic12 - 09-14-2017

I want to do a graduate certificate program directly after the degree. Do you know if they'll need the conferred degree for the application or will just the transcript suffice

RE: TESU graduation - rlw74 - 09-14-2017

Depends on where you go. Some schools I talked to said I could start courses as long as the final grade didn't post before degree conferral. Some said I had to have the official degree. One said I could take up to three courses but couldn't officially be admitted into a program until the transcript was official. I think it's up to the school on what they allow.