Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
Excelsior redesigned their web site - Printable Version

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Excelsior redesigned their web site - bluebooger - 07-08-2017

just noticed

going through it now

they used to have one of the worst websites ever

now I gotta see if its any better

Excelsior redesigned their web site - Thorne - 07-08-2017

It's still fairly awful. Now you have to jump even more from page to page to find anything and required credit guides are even harder to find than before.

But, hey, at least it's shiny! /s

Excelsior redesigned their web site - sanantone - 07-08-2017

It looks better, but is still functionally terrible. With all that effort they put into designing the website, they could have put specific degree requirements on there. For most of the programs, they still have that vague degree chart, and you have to flip through the catalog for specific degree requirements. For the other programs, you only get a link to the catalog. What is so hard about putting the requirements right on the page?

Excelsior redesigned their web site - Exfactor - 07-08-2017

The design of the layout looks great, it has finally brought them into 2017. Its also great how my.excelsior now flows into the website. Biggest issue is the site is cluttered with a lot of information. I'm sure they have more pages on their website than all the Big 3 combined, which may take someone a little more searching to find what their looking for. I found the functionality of the site to be better than before, especially on the mobile side of things.