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ACE Credits to Official School Transcript - Printable Version

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ACE Credits to Official School Transcript - retire2018 - 06-19-2017

If I enroll in TESU or another college will they place my transfer approved- Ace credit courses on an official school transcript?
What's the best way to get my courses on an official school transcript quickly?

ACE Credits to Official School Transcript - Synicaal - 06-19-2017

retire2018 Wrote:If I enroll in TESU or another college will they place my transfer approved- Ace credit courses on an official school transcript?
What's the best way to get my courses on an official school transcript quickly?

If you are just looking to "Bank" you credits quickly then you are looking for something like Individual Learning Account .

ACE Credits to Official School Transcript - eriehiker - 06-19-2017

Okay, so I have a question. I took and passed the April strategic management TECEP. I have also just finished the BSBA business core. I have two areas of study to complete and I could finish that as early as the end of the summer. I would like to take additional coursework beyond that just to get it added to the transcript. Would there be any advantage in waiting to graduate until a later graduation date so that I can have a longer window to complete additional add-in courses or does TESU add credits after graduation?

ACE Credits to Official School Transcript - Synicaal - 06-19-2017

eriehiker Wrote:Okay, so I have a question. I took and passed the April strategic management TECEP. I have also just finished the BSBA business core. I have two areas of study to complete and I could finish that as early as the end of the summer. I would like to take additional coursework beyond that just to get it added to the transcript. Would there be any advantage in waiting to graduate until a later graduation date so that I can have a longer window to complete additional add-in courses or does TESU add credits after graduation?

I have no idea if TESU will still act as a Credit Bank, I transferred in 133 credits in all and they did add the extra 13 credits so I basically got a free 13 credits added to an all in one transcript. Someone else will have to chime in as to if TESU will continue banking more credits I think you would have to be enrolled into a second degree or something.

ACE Credits to Official School Transcript - davewill - 06-19-2017

Synicaal Wrote:I have no idea if TESU will still act as a Credit Bank, I transferred in 133 credits in all and they did add the extra 13 credits so I basically got a free 13 credits added to an all in one transcript. Someone else will have to chime in as to if TESU will continue banking more credits I think you would have to be enrolled into a second degree or something.
That's exactly the thing to do. I declared for an ASNSM before I graduated, thinking I might try earn it together with my BACS. I didn't, but having it on my record has kept me an enrolled student for a year beyond graduation during which time I could have added courses.

ACE Credits to Official School Transcript - rlw74 - 06-19-2017

I don't think they call it credit banking per se but you can continue to send in transcripts and anything that doesn't apply to your degree shows up in the "other" category. I had a few classes that did not apply to my degree that got bumped down to this area of the transcript. They don't count for anything exactly but will show up on your final transcript as completed. It helps if your grad school requires it, even if the degree at TESU doesn't. For example, I didn't need stats for the BALS degree but its a requirement for a lot of education grad programs. So it doesn't hurt to have it on the transcript. I suppose you could wait to send your transcript in all at once - including the classes you need plus the extra classes. I don't know if there is a limit at some point but I know of at least one person who graduated with close to 200 credits on their transcript (although why you would chose that option doesn't seem practical). I think in their case they had credits from years and years that didn't fit into any one program and they switched majors halfway through.

ACE Credits to Official School Transcript - retire2018 - 06-19-2017

Thank you so much Synicaal.

The TESU / Individual Learning Account is exactly what I need.
An official transcript from an accredited school that will display all of my transferable - ACE approved college credits.

ACE Credits to Official School Transcript - dfrecore - 06-19-2017

The problem with the Individual Learning Account is that it's expensive. $300 if you have <60cr, and $400 if you have more. It's much cheaper to just apply ($75) and then stay enrolled. You get the benefit of locking in your catalog, and they do the same thing once you're an enrolled student.

ACE Credits to Official School Transcript - Synicaal - 06-20-2017

dfrecore Wrote:The problem with the Individual Learning Account is that it's expensive. $300 if you have <60cr, and $400 if you have more. It's much cheaper to just apply ($75) and then stay enrolled. You get the benefit of locking in your catalog, and they do the same thing once you're an enrolled student.

I agree with this too, but if the OP just wants a transcript then I guess the ILA is the way to go. I would too enroll and just stay until I could complete a degree but everyone is different or maybe the OP doesn't want to get a degree and just wants to be able to show credits.

ACE Credits to Official School Transcript - dfrecore - 06-20-2017

Synicaal Wrote:I agree with this too, but if the OP just wants a transcript then I guess the ILA is the way to go. I would too enroll and just stay until I could complete a degree but everyone is different or maybe the OP doesn't want to get a degree and just wants to be able to show credits.

I guess I'm not understanding this. If they enroll, and send their transcripts, then can't they just get an official transcript from TESU without going through the credit bank?

I received one recently doing this.