Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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TESU CIS - courses - studyandpass5 - 06-12-2017

I'm getting ready to start my junior year (woohoo!) and am thinking about taking more of my core requirements, such as some computer classes (programming, electives etc; anything that will fit in my degree) since I have no knowledge of anything computer/technical related and would like to get started. Upon further research, there were not as many computer classes as I was thinking that I could test out of. I thought Straigterline had a bunch, but from what I could see they only had a handful, if that. CLEP has none, and DSST has maybe 3 I could take.
Does anyone have any recommendations for some core classes that I could either test out of or take a class online somewhat affordably? Thanks a bunch!

TESU CIS - courses - bjcheung77 - 06-12-2017

I would take the courses available from Straighterline (IT Fundamentals and then Programming C++) and if they have anything.
You should supplement them with the courses available at your local community college, find the general education and lower level classes.

TESU CIS - courses - dfrecore - 06-12-2017

Here are the ones I have for TESU's BSBA-CIS degree. There may be additional ones.

Programming with C++ (COS-213) - SL
Info Systems Analysis and Design (CIS-320) - CSU-Global CBE
Computer Concepts & Applications/IT Fundamentals (CIS-107) - TECEP/SL
Intro to Computer Science I (COS-101) - Saylor
Intro to Computer Science II (CIS-103) - Saylor
Network Technology/Computer Communications & Networks (CMP-354) - TECEP/Saylor
Management Information Systems/Strategic Information Technology (MIS-301) - Saylor/DSST/Ed4Credit
Fundamentals of Cybersecurity (CIS-344) - DSST
Cloud Computing and Big Data (CIS-499) - CSU-Global CBE
Intermediate Networking (???) - CSU-Global CBE
Software Engineering (CIS-351) - Saylor

I also recommend getting these pre-approved before taking them, as TESU regularly changes their mind about what will come into that degree.