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"Easiest" Statistics and Probability course? - Printable Version

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"Easiest" Statistics and Probability course? - Gymfan15 - 05-11-2017

So I'm probably going to fail SL's Stats and Prob (unless a miracle happens on the final). I'm not surprised because I don't have a math background. I'm willing to take the course again, but wondering if there are other Stats courses out there that are "easier" (and I put that in quotes because I know that they are all relatively the same amount of difficulty and math is math is math lol).

Any suggestions? I know Aleks is free; I haven't tried out their model yet but I'm considering it.

"Easiest" Statistics and Probability course? - Ideas - 05-11-2017


ALEKS is much harder than SL.

"Easiest" Statistics and Probability course? - sarg123 - 05-11-2017

You might want to try the Dsst Intro to Statistics.

I think someone mentioned that the DSST is more concept based and would be easier for someone who is "math challenged".

"Easiest" Statistics and Probability course? - bjcheung77 - 05-11-2017

Gymfan15 Wrote:So I'm probably going to fail SL's Stats and Prob (unless a miracle happens on the final). I'm not surprised because I don't have a math background. I'm willing to take the course again, but wondering if there are other Stats courses out there that are "easier" (and I put that in quotes because I know that they are all relatively the same amount of difficulty and math is math is math lol).

Any suggestions? I know Aleks is free; I haven't tried out their model yet but I'm considering it.

Where did you get ALEKS is free from? Are you already taking courses at ALEKS? It's $20/month.
Read here:
Actually, let me copy/paste what I just had type a few minutes ago...

LOL, that's awesome. I was having issue with STATS as well. I tried ALEKS for a whole two months on that one course, switching from each of the three back and forth.
I gave up after a while and went at it over and over again, but it didn't work. Fed up with ALEKS, I went to Straighterline and also failed their Intro to Stats. I was mad!
Finally, the course that did it for me was - Straighterline Business Statistics, it comes into TESU the same as the Intro to Stats, so I was ecstatic when I passed it!

I mean, I spent $40 on two months of ALEKS just trying to pass that, when I just spent $20 on one month of ALEKS and I passed 5 other math courses!
I spent $25 on Intro to Statistics at Straighterline as it uses the same resources as Saylor, but the credit is the same - 3 credits for $25 bucks, still hard!
It's because the required exams are 50% of the grade and the final is 50% of the grade, I ended up with a 65% total.... so close, yet so far!

In the end, while I was looking for Stats courses elsewhere, I noticed Straighterline had Business Stats as well... that's what did it for me, was Straighterline!
I found out that some courses are "Algebra based statistics" and others are "Calculus based statistics", I didn't know until I researched why some were easier than others.
That second course at Straighterline, I ended with 85% as it was more business centric and was algebra based. The Saylor version was calculus based!

TLDR - Take the Business Stats at Straighterline for $59, it'll save you $ and time in the long run vs taking a couple months at ALEKS and a Saylor exam!

"Easiest" Statistics and Probability course? - RANSOMSOUL - 05-11-2017

Interesting that we have over 5 posts in 'New Posts' focused on 'Easy' options for one thing or another. Statistics is something that without putting the labor in, I could not see any of the available courses, Straighterline, Aleks, DSST, etc, as anything but hard. I really liked Aleks and did all of their stat courses even though they duplicated at TESU. I did them as a fun challenge and figured that I already paid for the month and wanted to max out my learning challenge investment. I also did Straighterline because I wanted to have a comparison on the best option for my kids. I would classify Straighterline as a more doable option than Aleks and Aleks as a faster option. Keep in mind, I am answering under the position the person has put in some work to learn the information.

Statistics is not something I would just try and finish but something that carries a worthy value to learn. Take your time with this subject and it will reward you in the future.

Good luck!

"Easiest" Statistics and Probability course? - Gymfan15 - 05-11-2017

Definitely wanting to learn the concepts, but at the end of the day, it's the pass that is important. Thanks for the advice; I will look into Business Statistics as an option. Depending on how badly I fail the SL course I may just try it one more time; if I fail again, I'm only out 25 bucks.

And thanks for the correction on ALEKS; it is 20 a month. Still not bad at all.

I'm finding that I understand the concepts when they're explained on, say, Kahn Academy, but when I get into the Saylor texbooks (which is what SL uses) I'm so lost. Probably not having a stronger math background is not helping, but still. I'm a reasonably intelligent young adult, haha. I will figure this out eventually!

"Easiest" Statistics and Probability course? - bluebooger - 05-12-2017

REALLY expensive
but probably the easiest statistics course you will do -- I haven't done straighterline or aleks, but this place is so easy - Introductory Statistics for Credit

"Easiest" Statistics and Probability course? - davewill - 05-12-2017

If you are close to passing, you could always take a crack at taking the Saylor exam, either Intro to Stats or Business Stats. Since you've been studying their material, the exam might track a little closer. For $20 it could be worth a gamble.

"Easiest" Statistics and Probability course? - Prloko - 05-12-2017

Ideas Wrote:Sad

ALEKS is much harder than SL.

I second this, and this is from someone who has passed stats, twice!

"Easiest" Statistics and Probability course? - rowan555 - 05-12-2017

davewill Wrote:If you are close to passing, you could always take a crack at taking the Saylor exam, either Intro to Stats or Business Stats. Since you've been studying their material, the exam might track a little closer. For $20 it could be worth a gamble.

My son failed the SL course but since it was only $25 he immediately retook it - he said the retake final was fewer questions and found it much easier - he got a pretty high score on the retake after bombing the first one.