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TESU academic evaluation came back a bit weird - Printable Version

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TESU academic evaluation came back a bit weird - socsci - 04-22-2017

Is it normal for the evaluation to come back with unused credits and areas missing. Please take a look and see if I am missing something here. Do I need to ask for the institutes ethics course to be moved and what about information literacy? should world religions fill this space?

So, I am thinking, move PHI 384 into ethics and world religions into info literacy.
Women's lit should complete group 1
English Lit and History could move out of electives to fill Liberal Studies General Coursework
Unused credits can fill electives.

A: IntellecSkills 15 SH (In progress)
SH Earned: 12
English Composition I

ENC-101 English Composition I 12/13/14 CR 3.00 ENC-101
English Composition II
ENC-102 English Composition II 08/20/15 CR 3.00 ENC-102
Oral Communication 3 SH (Complete)
COM-108 Fundamentals of Speech 01/04/15 CR 3.00 COM-1
Quantitative Literacy 3 SH (Complete)
MAT-121 College Algebra 11/12/13 CR 3.00 MAT-121

Information Literacy 3 SH (Not started)
3 credits needed

B: Civic Learning 9 SH (In progress)
Diversity 3 SH (Complete)

ANT-150 Cultural Anthropology I 09/21/14 CR 3.00 ANT-150
Ethics 3 SH (Not started)
3 credits needed
Civic Engagement 3 SH (Complete)
POL241 American Government 01/11/16 B 3.00 POS-110

C: Human Cultures 12 SH (Complete)
PHI-101 Introduction to Philosophy 11/09/14 CR 3.00 PHI-101
PSY-101 Introduction to Psychology 03/09/15 CR 3.00 PSY-101
ART-166 History of Western Art I 03/15/15 CR 3.00 ART-166
SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology 03/18/15 CR 3.00 SOC-101

D: Natural World 4 SH (Complete)
BIO-101 Introductory Biology 10/19/14 CR 3.00 BIO-101
ENS-200 Environmental Science 10/19/14 CR 3.00 ENS-200

E: GE Electives 20 SH (Complete)
SH Earned: 21
TES-100 1 SH (Waived)
!! Exception Adjusted due to TES-100 waiver. 20 SH required.
SH Earned: 21

MAT-115 Intermediate Algebra 11/12/13 CR 3.00 MAT-115
MAT-129 Precalculus 11/14/13 CR 3.00 MAT-129
ENG204 Interdis Read Writ Research 08/31/15 B 3.00 ENG-299
COM-231 Two-Dimensional Design 03/14/15 CR 3.00 COM-231
LIT-299 Special Topics in Literature 02/05/17 CR 3.00 LIT-299
LIT-202 Literary Roots of West. Cultur 02/15/17 CR 3.00 LIT-202
ENG-246 Poetry I 02/16/17 CR 3.00 ENG-246

2: Liberal Studies-Humanities (18SH) (Complete)
SH Earned: 18
Group 1 (Complete)

REL-405 World Religions 09/21/14 CR 3.00 REL-405
LIT-430 Literature and the Media 01/28/17 CR 3.00 LIT-430
LIT-320 Shakespeare I 01/30/17 CR 3.00 LIT-320
LIT-399 Special Topics in Literature 02/05/17 CR 3.00 LIT-399
ENG-301 The Holocaust 02/08/17 CR 3.00 ENG-301

Group 2 (Complete)
LIT-323 Women in Literature 02/11/17 CR 3.00 LIT-323

3: Liberal Studies General Coursework (12SH) (Complete)
SH Earned: 13

PSY421 Social Psychology 08/31/15 B 3.00 PSY-370
PSY355 Child Growth and Development 08/31/15 B 3.00 PSY-317
CIS-344 Computer Security 02/16/14 CR 2.00 CIS-344
PHI-384 Ethics & Business Professional 10/16/15 CR 2.00 PHI-384
PSY312 Lifespan Development 01/11/16 C 3.00 PSY-211

4: Liberal Arts Capstone (3 SH) (Not started)
3 credits needed

5: Electives (27SH) (Complete)
!! Exception Over in Natural World(2);GE Electives(1) and AOS(1);Needs 23 SH.
SH Earned: 23

FIS-391 Intro Fire Safety Education 03/24/14 CR 1.00 FIS-391
PSS100 Academic Strategies 08/31/15 A 3.00 FEL-199
EDU-319 Classroom Management Tech. 03/09/17 CR 3.00 EDU-319
EDU-299 Special Topics in Education 03/11/17 CR 3.00 EDU-299
LIT-208 English Literature I 02/23/17 CR 3.00 LIT-208
HIS-221 European History II 02/25/17 CR 3.00 HIS-221
STA-201 Principles of Statistics 11/19/13 CR 3.00 STA-201
COS-213 C++ Programming 01/13/15 CR 4.00 COS-213

Other Courses:
DMT-002 Developmental Elem. Algebra 11/12/13 CR 0.00 DMT-00
PLA-100 Intro Prior Learning Assessmnt 05/17/14 CR 1.00 PLA-100
PLA-200 Intro to Portfolio Development 05/17/14 CR 2.00 PLA-200
HRM-331 Human Resources Management 03/24/14 CR 1.00 HRM-331
CAP-385 Network Security 02/16/14 CR 2.00 CAP-385
CAP-295 Intro to Security Basics 02/15/14 CR 2.00 CAP-

TESU academic evaluation came back a bit weird - bricabrac - 04-22-2017

Evaluations are prepared by a software program and courses are placed automatically for the best fit. (Ex: religions is upper level so best use would be in AOS. A lower level then used in the gen ed section.) Changes can be made easily, just shoot Advising an email requesting that those courses be moved in to the sections you've noted. While at it, ask that the capstone be planned so all slots are filled.

Congratulations on being one course away from completion!

TESU academic evaluation came back a bit weird - dfrecore - 04-22-2017

Yeah, it's automated, and there's a hierarchy to it; so AOS UL courses will be filled in first, then LL, then Gen Ed specific requirements, etc.

So, just ask them to move the courses, and then you can choose which courses get moved into those slots.

TESU academic evaluation came back a bit weird - rlw74 - 04-22-2017

Congrats socsci!!! So close! I'm still waiting on my final evaluation. I know everything should be complete but I'll feel a whole lot better when I see it in writing. It won't be 25 days until May 1 so I'm counting down.

TESU academic evaluation came back a bit weird - socsci - 04-23-2017

Thanks everyone. I don't know why I assumed a person would be checking over the evaluation to correct things. Automated makes more sense durrrrr.

TESU academic evaluation came back a bit weird - socsci - 04-23-2017

rlw74 Wrote:Congrats socsci!!! So close! I'm still waiting on my final evaluation. I know everything should be complete but I'll feel a whole lot better when I see it in writing. It won't be 25 days until May 1 so I'm counting down.

I think I logged onto the OSS everyday this week just to see if it was complete. I know they send an email when it is, but i'm pretty impatient Smile

TESU academic evaluation came back a bit weird - rlw74 - 04-24-2017

Since its just a computer I wonder why it takes soooooo long to evaluate.

TESU academic evaluation came back a bit weird - dfrecore - 04-24-2017

rlw74 Wrote:Since its just a computer I wonder why it takes soooooo long to evaluate.

I'm not kidding when I say this: I think they put your file into a slot on the 25th business day, and won't do it before then. Seriously, mine have always come back in 25 business days exactly. There is no way that's a coincidence.

You would think there was an automated system, where the computer could generate an eval immediately, and then if it was expecting more transcripts (you tell it to do this when you apply, so it knows), it would update each one immediately upon receiving the transcript. At that point, it would release the eval to you. But no, there is some amount of manual processing that goes on, where they input it on day 25 or something.

I've send an ACE transcript, and been notified that they've received it within 2 hours, and for a course that was already in their system so no question what it would be coded as or where it would go (ALEKS College Algebra, CLEP & DSST exams) but it still takes 25 business days to get the eval. That HAS to be a manual process of some kind.

TESU academic evaluation came back a bit weird - rlw74 - 04-24-2017

I agree - I only once had an evaluation done in a couple of days but it was right after my first evaluation and I talked to someone in advising and said I had an ACE transcript coming over and it wasn't showing yet. She must have manually added it that day because it showed up right away. But the other evaluations are taking forever. I think my next one is due to process on May 1st. So I'm waiting and waiting and waiting. It is my last one so I would really, really like to see it as complete. I even talked to advising to let them know I was applying for graduation and it hasn't sped up the process at all.

TESU academic evaluation came back a bit weird - socsci - 04-24-2017

Everything is sorted out now. They moved Religion and PHI38 and everything else fell into place. Thanks guys.

This feels sooooo good, just the Capstone left to do, but I can't start until July because of travelling throughout all of June.

Program Summary: (Pending (Anticipated complete))
Semester Hours (SH) Required: 120.00
SH Applied to Degree: 117.00
SH Remaining: 3.00