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College Mathematics CLEP prep - rawlingspl94 - 02-28-2017

Hi guys,

This is my first post ever on this forum and I'm hoping you can help me out.

Today I started studying for the College Mathematics CLEP, I plan on studying 1 to 2 hours daily for the next 3 months or so and take the exam in the first two weeks of June.

Some background on me; I am a 22 year old student in community college hoping to CLEP out of my math requirements to graduate. I have done no math since high school in 2012. Math has always been my weakest subject, In high school I took Algebra 1, Algebra II, Geometry & Trigonometry. I passed each with either C's or B's (granted I didn't apply myself too much).

To prepare for this CLEP I have a REA textbook, a COMEX textbook and a subscription to instant cert. To be honest though I don't feel like instant cert's flashcard method is the best for learning math (at least for my oddly wired brain). So I will probably rely more heavily on the books I've purchased.

Do you guys have any tips for studying and passing this CLEP? also I've read people used ALEKS courses to successfully prepare for the Algebra CLEP, Are there any corresponding ALEKS courses that could help me prepare for this College Mathematics CLEP?


College Mathematics CLEP prep - bluebooger - 02-28-2017

rawlingspl1994 Wrote:.. also I've read people used ALEKS courses to successfully prepare for the Algebra CLEP, Are there any corresponding ALEKS courses that could help me prepare for this College Mathematics CLEP?


does your school accept ACE credit ?

if so then just do ALEKS, submit to ACE and then have the ACE transcript sent to your school

there's also this for ACE credit
College Credit

and this to help study


College Mathematics CLEP prep - pandas4eva - 02-28-2017

I used the Official CLEP study guide and a Barron's CLEP book for this exam. Both books have practice tests for the College Math exam, which I found extremely helpful for solidifying the concepts. I could get them at my local library, and my library had multiple editions which meant more practice tests! Hope this helps!

College Mathematics CLEP prep - clep3705 - 02-28-2017

You need C- level competency to pass the CLEP test. You need the Official CLEP study guide as the previous poster indicated. You don't need the latest version of the Official CLEP study guide. Buy an older one a fw years old. The practice tests haven't changed, only the price of the study guide has changed. Don't spend more than is necessary.

Here is a great study guide: Free College Mathematics CLEP * Exam Study Guide

Since you are weak in math, do not attempt to understand imaginary or complex numbers. You can miss all of those questions (probably 2-3) and easily pass. You'll only waste your time and get frustrated trying to learn those. I used to know them and didn't bother reviewing them at all. I was perfectly fine with missing them, which I'm sure I did. As you can see from my signature, I did fine without knowing how to answer those.

Your primary objective is passing and doing it as efficiently as possible. Learning is secondary, actually not even an objective at all.

College Mathematics CLEP prep - adavis84 - 02-28-2017

I used this REA Book (CLEP® College Mathematics Book + Online) and IC for this test back in 2014. It was the first CLEP I ever took. I learned everything I needed to know about it from College Mathematics CLEP Free Study Guide! - (which is actually how I found out about IC). At the time I took this CLEP, I had not passed a math class in 16 years and never made it past Algebra I in high school. I took it before I felt ready/confident, but I still scored a 63. That's not to say it was easy, but my background set me further back than yours will.

As bluebooger pointed out, if your school takes other alternatives, there may be an easier path. But if not (like my local B&M schools), this test is certainly within your reach.