Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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Which school? Which degree? New to forum - rlw74 - 12-20-2016

I am wondering if someone would be able to direct me to the best fit for me. I've applied to SNHU and had my credits evaluated through them. I have (with them) a total of 14 classes I need to take to graduate with a General Studies degree (about 40 hours needed). It will cost me somewhere around 14-16k (depending on books and fees) and I'm stuck to taking just 2 classes per term - 12 a year. A friend of mine suggested I try TESU as she was able to use this forum and take most of her classes in far less time and for less money using the ACP options. She suggested I try posting the classes I've taken and see what you all think about degree options. If there is any way I can finish in less time and for less money I will gladly look at other options. I am willing to take CLEP tests, online courses etc. I'm new - (like, very, very new just heard about this last week)- to learning about all this so any advice would be so much appreciated.

The classes I've taken are....
Cuyahoga Community College 1993-1995 (QUARTER hours)
English 101, 102, 103 College Composition(9 hours)
English 271 - Shakespeare (4 hours)
Spanish 101, 102, 103 (15 hours)
US History 151, 152, 153 (9 hours)
Music 112 - Music Reading Skills (3 hours)
Music 131 Class Keyboard (Piano) (2 hours)
Psychology 101, 102, 201 (10 hours)
Math 120 - Intermediate Algebra (even though this was a 1st year level course - SNHU is not transferring it in as there were higher level 1st year courses I could have taken) 5 hours
Accounting 115 (4 hours)
OADM 108 - Business Language Skills (3 hours)
OADM 118 - Keyboarding (2 hours)
OADM 270 - Special Topics/Career Trg (4 hours)
Art 101 - Art Appreciation (4 hours)
Health 101 - Health Education (4 hours)
Biology 105 - Intro to Biology (4 hours)
Speech 100- (4 hours)
Humanities 102 - Intro to Humanities (3 hours)

Criswell College 1997
Hermenuetics 3 hours
Greek1 - 3 hours

Baldwin Wallace College 2001
Economics 101 Micro Econ (4 hours)
CSC 121 - Intro to Computer Information Systems (3 hours)
History 267 - Vietnam (3 hours)

Southern Miss 2010
Business Law (3 hours)

SNHU will require 40.99 credits for a General Studies Degree OR 57 credits for a History Degree.
My understanding is if I apply to TESU they will transfer in some, if not all of the above credits and I can take almost all of the remaining courses through the ACP options, CLEP etc. and only have to pay for maybe 1 or 2 classes at TESU's tuition rate. Is that correct? Will that be a lot less time / less money? My friend thinks I can do this in about six months for about 6k based on her experience - as opposed to 1 to 1.5 years and 14k(not including books and fees). I'm all about less time and money as this has been something I've put off for a long time because of work/kids/mortgages etc. It's time to finish this once and for all.

Which school? Which degree? New to forum - KayV - 12-20-2016

For easy reference, here are quarter to semester hours.
Quarter hours to semester hours qh = sh
English 101, 102, 103 College Composition(9 hours) 9 qh = 6 sh LL
English 271 - Shakespeare (4 hours) 4 qh = 2.67 sh LL
Spanish 101, 102, 103 (15 hours) 15 qh = 10 sh LL
US History 151, 152, 153 (9 hours) 9 qh = 6 sh LL
Music 112 - Music Reading Skills (3 hours) 3 qh = 2 sh LL
Music 131 Class Keyboard (Piano) (2 hours) 2 qh = 1.33 sh LL
Psychology 101, 102, 201 (10 hours) 10 qh = 6.67 sh LL
Math 120 - Intermediate Algebra 5 hours 5 qh = 3.33 sh LL
Accounting 115 (4 hours) 4 qh = 2.67 sh LL
OADM 108 - Business Language Skills (3 hours) 3 qh = 2 sh LL
OADM 118 - Keyboarding (2 hours) 3 qh = 2 sh LL
OADM 270 - Special Topics/Career Trg (4 hours) 4 qh = 2.67 sh LL
Art 101 - Art Appreciation (4 hours) 4 qh = 2.67 sh LL
Health 101 - Health Education (4 hours) 4 qh = 2.67 sh LL
Biology 105 - Intro to Biology (4 hours) 4 qh = 2.67 sh LL
Speech 100- (4 hours) 4 qh = 2.67 sh LL
Humanities 102 - Intro to Humanities (3 hours) 3 qh = 2 sh LL

Criswell College 1997
Hermenuetics 3 hours 3 sh
Greek1 - 3 hours 3 sh

Baldwin Wallace College 2001
Economics 101 Micro Econ (4 hours) 4 sh
CSC 121 - Intro to Computer Information Systems (3 hours) 3 sh
History 267 - Vietnam (3 hours) 3 sh

Southern Miss 2010
Business Law (3 hours) 3 sh

You preference is for fastest/ cheapest degree to complete over a specific major, is that correct?

Which school? Which degree? New to forum - dfrecore - 12-20-2016

For TESU's BSBA in General Management, and a TESU BALS, I am including a spreadsheet for you.

For the BSBA, you'll lose a few credits that just won't fit into the degree.

For their BALS, you would have an additional 16.67cr, but the cost will still be about $400 more since you'll have to take the capstone online, which is $1500 (the business capstone can be tested out of). The cost of the BSBA just can't be beat with the $114 test for the capstone available.

You have no UL credits, so for the BALS, you'd have to find 5 UL exams to take, but that's very easy to do.

Which school? Which degree? New to forum - Mamasaphire - 12-21-2016

rlw74 Wrote:My friend thinks I can do this in about six months for about 6k based on her experience - as opposed to 1 to 1.5 years and 14k(not including books and fees). I'm all about less time and money as this has been something I've put off for a long time because of work/kids/mortgages etc. It's time to finish this once and for all.

Welcome! As far as how long finally finishing your degree will take, it's all about how much time and energy you can devote to making it happen. Although it's taken me 8 years after finding the forum (lots of bumps in the road), with over 150 semester hour credits(!) to get to this point, several df members have done really quick work.

I love Passit1's amazing story, along with those of several other members... makes for inspirational reading!

And another recent success story:

Which school? Which degree? New to forum - Synicaal - 12-21-2016

Personally SNHU is way more expensive and slower, I had this school considered also to transfer too after I completed my Associates at my Local CC. According to my original plan I would be targeting to enroll in SNHU at the start of the FALL **2017** to continue on to a bachelors. After finding this forum and changing my plan I already have 70credits just at the end of FALL **2016** semester! If you want inexpensive and quick TESU is a much better choice.. Just my 2cents

Which school? Which degree? New to forum - clep3705 - 12-21-2016

Apply to TESU, Charter Oak, and Excelsior so you can have factual information on where you stand and how much you have left to do. People here can speculate, but it's your future. You need hard facts.

Which school? Which degree? New to forum - rlw74 - 12-21-2016

Thank you everyone so much for your help. I just learned about this option last week and wasn't sure if I should place my SNHU plans on hold just to try for another option. Technically I'm supposed to start classes January 2. I didn't want to lose a whole term while I apply and wait for transcript evaluation. Plus to apply to the three colleges I'll probably be out several hundred more dollars. But it sounds like time-wise and financially I will be better off in the long run. I'll start the application process today!

Which school? Which degree? New to forum - rebel100 - 12-21-2016

I would focus on TESU and COSC, Excelsior has just about priced themselves out of contention. I would not rack up the debt at SNHU....just way too costly, We can get you from where you are through a Masters program for less than the figure you stated (potentially, if you do your part).

I think you have all the COSC pre-regs done (dependent on conversion) except for Ethics. That would leave you needing Cornerstoen and Capstone courses ($2400 or so) plus 9 Upper level courses in a concentration or two. You would also need electives to fill out the concentration and get you to a total of 120 credits. Some free FEMA credits could be used for the electives. You could get it all done in a year for well under $6000

Which school? Which degree? New to forum - KayV - 12-21-2016

Here's a go at the Excelsior Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts with depths in Psychology, History, and/ or Business (pick two). I know people are saying that Excelsior has priced themselves out of contention, but if you pay $25/ year for POAG partnership pricing, it's actually very comparable if you are taking a 3-hour Capstone.

Taking just a 3-hour Capstone

$0 to apply
$1095 Multi-Source enrollment fee
$1230 = $410 x 3 hours tuition
$450 graduation fee
Total $2775 (plus course/ exam fees)

Excelsior College BSLA
Depths in History/ Psychology/ Business
Arts and Sciences Component
1a. English 101 College Composition I 2
1b. English 102 College Composition II 2
2. English 103 College Composition III 2
3. UL: DSST/ UExcel Business Ethics 3 UL
4. Speech 100- (4 hours) 4 qh = 2.67 sh LL
5a. Music 112 - Music Reading Skills (3 hours) 3 qh = 2 sh LL
5b. Music 131 Class Keyboard (Piano) (2 hours) 2 qh = 1.33 sh LL
6a. US History 151 2 LL
6b. US History 152 2 LL
7. US History 153 2 LL
8. History 267 - Vietnam (3 hours) 3 sh
9. Math 120 - Intermediate Algebra 5 hours 5 qh = 3.33 sh LL
10. Biology 105 - Intro to Biology (4 hours) 4 qh = 2.67 sh LL
11. Need a math or science (ALEKS College Algebra or a Saylor science are cheapest) 3
12. UL: Need Liberal Arts Capstone 3 UL
13. UL: DSST Civil War and Reconstruction 3
14. UL: UExcel World Conflicts since 1900 3
15. UL: UExcel Psychology of Adulthood and Aging 3
16. UL: UExcel World Population (or Juvenile Delinquency) 3
17. UL: UExcel Social Psychology 3
18. Hermeneutics 3 hours 3 sh
19. Greek1 - 3 hours 3 sh
20. Art 101 - Art Appreciation (4 hours) 4 qh = 2.67 sh LL
Other Requirements
21. Need Tor/ Coopersmith Information Literacy 2
22. UL: DSST Substance Abuse 3
23. UL: DSST Intro to Law Enforcement 3
24. UL: UExcel Human Resource Management 3
25. Spanish 101 3.33 sh LL
26. Spanish 102 3.33 sh LL
27. Spanish 103 3.33 sh LL
28. English 271 - Shakespeare (4 hours) 4 qh = 2.67 sh LL
29. Psychology 101 2 LL
30. Psychology 102 2 LL
31. Psychology 201 2.67 LL
32. Economics 101 Micro Econ (4 hours) 4 sh
33. CSC 121 - Intro to Computer Information Systems (3 hours) 3 sh
34. Business Law (3 hours) 3 sh
35. Accounting 115 (4 hours) 4 qh = 2.67 sh LL
36. OADM 108 - Business Language Skills (3 hours) 3 qh = 2 sh LL
37. OADM 118 - Keyboarding (2 hours) 3 qh = 2 sh LL
38. OADM 270 - Special Topics/Career Trg (4 hours) 4 qh = 2.67 sh LL
39. Health 101 - Health Education (4 hours) 4 qh = 2.67 sh LL
40. Humanities 102 - Intro to Humanities (3 hours) 3 qh = 2 sh LL
41. Need free TEEX Cybersecurity series 6 (or any other 6 hours)

Depths in any two of these:

Psychology 101 2 LL
Psychology 102 2 LL
Psychology 201 2.67 LL
UL: UExcel Psychology of Adulthood and Aging 3
UL: UExcel Social Psychology 3

US History 151 2 LL
US History 152 2 LL
US History 153 2 LL
History 267 - Vietnam (3 hours) 3 sh
UL: DSST Civil War and Reconstruction 3
UL: UExcel World Conflicts since 1900 3

Business and Administrative Studies
Business Law (3 hours) 3 sh
OADM 108 - Business Language Skills (3 hours) 3 qh = 2 sh LL
OADM 118 - Keyboarding (2 hours) 3 qh = 2 sh LL
OADM 270 - Special Topics/Career Trg (4 hours) 4 qh = 2.67 sh LL
UL: UExcel Human Resource Management 3
UL: DSST/ UExcel Business Ethics 3 UL

You would need to take:
UL: DSST/ UExcel Business Ethics 3 UL
UL: Need Liberal Arts Capstone 3 UL
UL: DSST Civil War and Reconstruction 3
UL: UExcel World Conflicts since 1900 3
UL: UExcel Psychology of Adulthood and Aging 3
UL: UExcel World Population (or Juvenile Delinquency) 3
UL: UExcel Social Psychology 3
UL: DSST Substance Abuse 3
UL: DSST Intro to Law Enforcement 3
UL: UExcel Human Resource Management 3
Need Tor/ Coopersmith Information Literacy 2
Need a math or science (ALEKS College Algebra) 3
Need free TEEX Cybersecurity series 6 (or any other 6 hours)

Which school? Which degree? New to forum - EI2HCB - 12-21-2016

Excelsior is still expensive, POAG requires a 12 credit residency, but at least 3 will be your Capstone. I recently read on here about them not taking external credits for Concentration subjects which was alarming. I haven't confirmed this yet but I'll be taking a second degree once I have the first one down so then it matters I'm already locked in right now on this one so I'm going to hold fast for the moment at my current concentration I can test out of most of it from here on out.