Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
Information on the College Mathematics Clep?? Please help!!!! - Printable Version

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Information on the College Mathematics Clep?? Please help!!!! - ptp123 - 12-07-2016

I'm taking the College Mathematics Clep in two weeks and I'm terrified!
I'm concerned that even though I'm learning the concepts, the questions will require so much application of the material that I won't know how to apply concepts to approach problems. Additionally, I'm worried about memorizing all of the formulas. I've never been able to memorize formulas, my brain jumbles them up, I forget details, etc. Does anyone know whether some of the questions provide the formula?
Thank you and any additional advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!

Information on the College Mathematics Clep?? Please help!!!! - pandas4eva - 12-07-2016

I took the College Math Clep a couple years ago, and I don't remember if any of the questions provided an equation. In my mind the test really only required basic math(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division; know how to raise to a power, order of operations, etc), however you need to understand the concepts enough to take a partially completed equation and finish it. There were some questions that were just conceptual and didn't require math(which was great). I used the College Board Clep Study Guide(got it from the library), and I feel it gives a good representation of the actual exam for any Clep I've taken. I would get the Clep Study Guide and see what equations(if any) are referenced or needed to answer the questions and try your best to memorize those for the exam. You could also look at the topics listed on the exam page of the website and check for any equations or formulas listed there. On another note, the calculator provided for this Clep is pretty nice and really helped me with some of the longer math. When I took it I was able to request a month-long trial of the calculator so I could get used to it(found it on the Clep website on the exam page). I'd definitely recommend that too! Hopefully this helps! Best of luck on the exam-you can do it!

Information on the College Mathematics Clep?? Please help!!!! - clep3705 - 12-07-2016

I second that advice about getting the Official CLEP Study Guide. It has by far the best practice test for CLEP College Math. Don't waste your money on the newest edition. Spend much less on an older edition of the Official CLEP Study Guide.

My recommendation is to not bother with imaginary numbers. I was confident I could pass without them, so I didn't study for those and probably missed all of the imaginary number problems. That's what caused me to only make a 77.

Information on the College Mathematics Clep?? Please help!!!! - Synicaal - 12-08-2016

Do what I do for formulas on tests, depending on your short term memory of course. You get some scratch paper at your testing center, you can put whatever you want on it. So right before you go into the test quickly get all the formulas (or at least the ones your not sure about) in your brain, that as soon as you sit down right the formulas on the scratch paper. I did this sort of thing for my ECON final and it helped out a lot. As long as your righting it on the scratch paper your fine. Plus, when I was at my testing center for the Human Growth and Development a lady next to me was taking the College Math CLEP and I saw some of the questions, they are pretty basic stuff(After seeing that I was going to take it but it wont fit in my degree plan). Also I wasn't actively looking, my testing center practically sits people on top of one another.

Information on the College Mathematics Clep?? Please help!!!! - bryanwilsonxd - 12-08-2016

I just took this CLEP a few weeks ago and there was no need to memorize formulas. If a formula was required it was presented with the question that required it. Just remember how to calculate the area of different shapes and you'll be fine as far as that goes.

Information on the College Mathematics Clep?? Please help!!!! - musictester - 12-08-2016

You'll do fine! I failed the College Algebra one but passed this one easily. There really aren't any unusual formulas to memorize. If they are complex ones, they are provided on the test. Really know your exponents and powers-of, and you will do great! Do as many practice problems as you can this week, so you can apply those concepts! You'll do awesome!

Information on the College Mathematics Clep?? Please help!!!! - ptp123 - 04-19-2017

Very late on this but thank you guys so much for your support, encouragement and advice! I ended up passing with a 63 Smile I've struggled with math in the past so this was a huge accomplishment for me. Everything you guys said turned out to be accurate, thanks again!

RE: Information on the College Mathematics Clep?? Please help!!!! - jonathan1 - 05-15-2018

I am taking the clip college math in a few weeks, are there any good prep websites,study guides, practice tests, or anything else that any of you know about? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

RE: Information on the College Mathematics Clep?? Please help!!!! - dfrecore - 05-15-2018

(05-15-2018, 05:39 PM)jonathan1 Wrote: I am taking the clip college math in a few weeks, are there any good prep websites,study guides, practice tests, or anything else that any of you know about? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If you read the posts on this thread, #2 tells you what to get.

You should also get the actual exam guide from the CLEP website to see what it encompasses, and study those things.

RE: Information on the College Mathematics Clep?? Please help!!!! - bluebooger - 05-15-2018

since its multiple choice always choose C

you have a 50% chance of getting the answer right

its either correct or its not

just like flipping a coin -- its either heads or its not