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TESU Cornerstone Review - Printable Version

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TESU Cornerstone Review - ndelco - 10-17-2016

I recently took the Cornerstone from TESU and it was pointed out that nobody had made a review of the course, so here I am.

The course reminded me a little bit of the TEEX setup with the way you have to scroll through a section. There are 6 sections that you go through. After every three or four short write-ups (pages similar to the TEEX pages), there is a small quiz. If I remember, you can't move on until you get a certain amount of points for the quizzes. Like maybe 4 or 6 or 10 points for correctly answering questions. You can answer again if you get a question wrong.

Honestly, most of the information I already knew from being on this site for a couple of months. It talks about ways to get credit (TECEP, e-packs and so on...), the policies of the school, the academic integrity code, and then some strategies and tips to help you in your journey. A lot of it is common sense. There are some links and videos in the lessons that you should read or watch to get some of the answers.

The ending of the course is pretty strange. You see in the dashboard that there is a "Readiness Exam" and I took this to mean that the questions in the quizzes or similar would be in an exam at the end. So I actually read everything and paid attention. There were 3 or 4 questions on the "exam" and they were basically things like: Did you have any technical difficulties for this course? How long did you take on this course? How would you rate the difficulty of this course?

I honestly think that was it. I kept looking for an exam to take after I took that part. I finally decided after like 15 minutes of searching to just let it go and see what happens because the dashboard said I had completed every section including the "Readiness Exam." A couple of days later my evaluation showed that I had earned credit for the course and I had the 1 credit.

The course is really not needed but I guess it could be maybe a tiny bit helpful for a true 18 year old freshman who has never done anything for college before. As far as I know this is all you need to be enrolled and it keeps me locked in for a year without needing to study for a TECEP so I'm ok paying the extra money for that. The course took me about 2 hours to complete.

TESU Cornerstone Review - vetvso - 10-17-2016

That sounds really easy. For some reason I was thinking we had to write a paper.

TESU Cornerstone Review - Synicaal - 10-18-2016

Anyone know if this would make you enrolled? , I thought about signing up for TESU now. Sending all my information in and enrolling for the Cornerstone to achieve enrolled status. Or is the 1 credit class not enough to consider you enrolled? I do plan on taking a TECEP but not for awhile. Waiting to be done with my current semester.

TESU Cornerstone Review - ndelco - 10-18-2016

Synicaal Wrote:Anyone know if this would make you enrolled? , I thought about signing up for TESU now. Sending all my information in and enrolling for the Cornerstone to achieve enrolled status. Or is the 1 credit class not enough to consider you enrolled? I do plan on taking a TECEP but not for awhile. Waiting to be done with my current semester.

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^^^ this is what it tells me in MyEdison and OSS on the TESU website. I have not registered for anything other than the Cornerstone through TESU.

TESU Cornerstone Review - Synicaal - 10-18-2016

Awesome, Thank you. I guess I will get the enrollment going at the close of my current semester. Might as well wait for those credits to hit my transcript.