Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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TESC vs Excelsior - Chuckers - 10-15-2007

I am going for a BA in Psych. and have been going through TESC for about 18 months, but am contemplating switching to EC. I am looking at EC because they seem more liberal about where your non-major courses come from than TESC. That and I would get out of having to take Statistics and a Computer Science. The down side I see to EC is Fees (WOW!). You can spend over $1300 in fees without taking a class (not even counting test fees)
$75 -Application FEE
$765 - Enrollment FEE ($895 for non-military)
$495 - Graduation FEE

Plus $440 per year while you are enrolled. At least this is how I interpreted their web site. Does this sound crazy to anyone else? Just wondering if there is something I am missing. Thanks


TESC vs Excelsior - snazzlefrag - 10-15-2007

Chuckers Wrote:I am going for a BA in Psych. and have been going through TESC for about 18 months, but am contemplating switching to EC. I am looking at EC because they seem more liberal about where your non-major courses come from than TESC. That and I would get out of having to take Statistics and a Computer Science. The down side I see to EC is Fees (WOW!). You can spend over $1300 in fees without taking a class (not even counting test fees)
$75 -Application FEE
$765 - Enrollment FEE ($895 for non-military)
$495 - Graduation FEE

Plus $440 per year while you are enrolled. At least this is how I interpreted their web site. Does this sound crazy to anyone else? Just wondering if there is something I am missing. Thanks


Hi Chuck,

Just an FYI: Statistics is a REQUIREMENT for the Psychology degree at Excelsior. It will count towards your 30 credit minimum for the major though.

As for the's hard to find any undergrad degree that can be completed for under $20,000 these days (usually it is considerably more than that).

It is a lot of money to pay in fees, but we have to keep reminding ourselves that it is all relative.

Hope that helps,

TESC vs Excelsior - Chuckers - 10-15-2007

I know that it is relatively cheap, but I am just comparing it to TESC. Darn, that stinks about the Statistics. Thanks though


TESC vs Excelsior - ShotoJuku - 10-15-2007

Write the EC President John Ebersole for a "Presidential Scholarship" and you just may receive one; I did.

TESC vs Excelsior - Chuckers - 10-15-2007

Just sounded like a lot when it is in addition to any classes or tests. When you couple that with the yearly fees (4 years worth) it is over $3000 in fees. I guess it isn't that bad if you compare it to a traditional classroom based education. I guess I was spoiled by TESC's lack of multiple & continuous fees. Thanks


TESC vs Excelsior - Chuckers - 10-15-2007

Thanks for the insight on the Scholarship, i'll keep that in mind when I get closer. While we are talking about EC. Which EC psych. exam is the easiest?

TESC vs Excelsior - Basket Weaver - 10-15-2007

Adulthood and Aging & Gerontology were a breeze for me with just IC. Abnormal Psych wasn't that bad either, plus it was fairly interesting.

TESC vs Excelsior - hunter2115 - 10-15-2007

ShotoJuku Wrote:Write the EC President John Ebersole for a "Presidential Scholarship" and you just may receive one; I did.
How does this work? What does it cover?

TESC vs Excelsior - chromo - 10-15-2007

Chuckers Wrote:When you couple that with the yearly fees (4 years worth) it is over $3000 in fees.

Hi Chuck. Why enroll so early? I would say just drop out of TESC, take all of the CLEP/DSST exams you need now and enroll at Excelsior later when all you have left are classes, or when you think you can finish everything within one year. If you do it that way you'll never have to pay the recurring $440.

TESC vs Excelsior - cookderosa - 10-15-2007

Chuckers Wrote:I am going for a BA in Psych. and have been going through TESC for about 18 months, but am contemplating switching to EC. I am looking at EC because they seem more liberal about where your non-major courses come from than TESC. That and I would get out of having to take Statistics and a Computer Science. The down side I see to EC is Fees (WOW!). You can spend over $1300 in fees without taking a class (not even counting test fees)
$75 -Application FEE
$765 - Enrollment FEE ($895 for non-military)
$495 - Graduation FEE

Plus $440 per year while you are enrolled. At least this is how I interpreted their web site. Does this sound crazy to anyone else? Just wondering if there is something I am missing. Thanks


I don't know, as a fellow TESC student, we pay those fees too. I paid an application fee ($75) and an enrollment fee ($2k) and I will pay a grad fee ($200?). That's without classwork. If you register for classes, there is a once per semester technology fee of $97 too. For the second year, you don't have to pay the application fee, but you do pay an enrollment renewal- a few bucks cheaper- but I think about $1500 +/-.
So..... it might actually be a little cheaper to go to EC....I would need to look up the details.