Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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Business Law Clep - jec959 - 10-15-2007

I am scheduled for the business law clep tonight and find myself a basket case I have gone over the specific exam feedback but still find myslef wondering if I should postpone. Is this exam as easy as everyone states or not?

Business Law Clep - hunter2115 - 10-15-2007

jec959 Wrote:I am scheduled for the business law clep tonight and find myself a basket case I have gone over the specific exam feedback but still find myslef wondering if I should postpone. Is this exam as easy as everyone states or not?
If I remember correctly, BL1 was not that bad. If you know the IC info well, you should be fine. BL2 was a different animal!

Business Law Clep - jec959 - 10-15-2007

In case you didn't notice I have test anxiety anyway add that to the fact that I didn't finish my tech math exam this weekend and it is 3 times worse than normal. I have used IC, the rea business law book, and snazzlefrags post so I am hoping I will do alright.

Business Law Clep - skyfall123 - 10-15-2007

I took it after only a few hours of study and passed with a 54. I justed wanted a pass, not to ace it, so I was happy. There are a lot of scenario questions, so if you are fairly good at that sort of Q&A (i.e. Ethics or A&I Lit), then you should do fine. As someone pointed out on that subject thread, life experience, and a general interest in shows like Law and Order, may very well be enough to get you through it. Good luck with whatever you decide!

Business Law Clep - CDM - 10-15-2007

I'm re-testing on this one Friday. It's not ALL common-sense stuff. You still need to know terms and what-not. If you feel like you know most of the basics - -you should be fine!

Business Law Clep - snazzlefrag - 10-15-2007

CDM Wrote:I'm re-testing on this one Friday. It's not ALL common-sense stuff. You still need to know terms and what-not. If you feel like you know most of the basics - -you should be fine!

I agree,

This exam was about knowing the terminology of business law. If you are good at memorizing, and have a good grasp of the terms and definitions used in IC, you should be in line for a pass on this one.

There are some scenario questions, but knowing the terminology and definitions is all that is required in most cases. This exam is called INTRODUCTION to Business Law. They are not looking for a great legal mind to fathom the depths of intricate law cases....they just want to know that you know the basics.

If you have studied IC and learned the material well, you will most likely pass.

Do great,

Business Law Clep - jec959 - 10-15-2007

I did decide to take the test and I am happy to say I passed with a 70

Business Law Clep - CDM - 10-15-2007

[SIZE="4"]wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!![/SIZE]

Business Law Clep - skyfall123 - 10-15-2007

Awesome! Good for you!!!

Business Law Clep - mjno - 10-15-2007

