Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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DSST Natural Science - acs1122 - 10-14-2007

Just in case I may have missed something, are these the only DANTES natural science exams available:

Environment and Humanity
Physical Geology
Principles of Physical Science

Are there any other titles available? I hope so. Of these, I choose to take Environment and Humanity, but I am not looking forward to it. Science is my weakness so I was hoping for something else ( ---anything else remotely resembling an area I can do well in -- like psychology Wink ).

DSST Natural Science - Machelle - 10-14-2007

What about Here's to Your Health? That's a relatively simple exam, and it fulfills the science that it looks like you need.

DSST Natural Science - acs1122 - 10-14-2007

EC advisor said HTYH count as an elective (for the Liberal Arts degree) :mad: . Based on the content, this exam should count as a natural science. Has anyone called Dantes about this???