Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
TESC BSBA Computer Information Systems - Printable Version

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TESC BSBA Computer Information Systems - Zachcleigh - 08-02-2016

If one were to get a BSBA in CIS from TESC, would the diploma say "BSBA Computer information systems" on it? or would the only thing on the diploma be "BSBA"?

I've read some things that say it will just say BSBA, but when I called and asked, TESC said it will say computer information systems on the degree, so now I'm confused.

TESC BSBA Computer Information Systems - jsd - 08-02-2016

According to this page, it will only say Bachelor of Science in Business Administration:

Thomas Edison State University: Graduation Information
Quote:Will my diploma indicate my area of study?
Your diploma will state your degree, but will not indicate your area of study/option. For example if you graduate with a BA degree in Liberal Studies your diploma will say Bachelor of Arts not Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies.

They could have changed that with the new "University" diplomas and just never updated that info on the site, but if I'm recalling correctly, some folks that had their newer diplomas pictured here didn't have their AoS on it.

TESC BSBA Computer Information Systems - jsd - 08-02-2016

Found it, here's RANSOMSOUL's diploma, no AoS. Your AoS would still be listed on your transcripts, of course.

[Image: 1815d1466698520-thomas-edison-state-univ...s-bsba.jpg]

TESC BSBA Computer Information Systems - bjcheung77 - 08-02-2016

I can't wait to get my hands on that degree... just 3 more months to go at this rate! :leaving:
*picturing that degree in hand**moving at the fastest rate my body/engine (mind) can handle*