Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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Degree plan through - ndelco - 07-04-2016

I was wondering if any of you degree-plan-maker-lovers would be interested in making me a plan that makes sense using the yearlong program for 72 credits. I am starting from scratch, excluding the first TEEX course which I finished last night for my first 2 credits. I am drawn to not only for getting that many credits in a year, but also for the exam prep that will be available with the subscription.

My initial plan was to go for the BSBA through TESU to avoid the $1500 LA capstone. I want to take some CLEPS and other exams down the line to finish the degree after my initial 72 credits. I will likely use ALEKS for math.

I am not even sure if I get to pick the classes for yet because I am still researching it but it seems like a pretty good deal as long as the promo in still available to get the year for a little under $1,000. I don't want to just waste my time and take all those classes if there is no way to make them all work towards fulfilling degree requirements. I know there are cheaper ways to get that many credits but only two classes per month is appealing so my wife and kids don't kill me for spending all of my time on school.

Thanks in advance and let me know if more info is needed. I hope someone is feeling nice and wanting to work on a new degree plan!

Also, if there is a link to someone already doing this that would be awesome too!

Degree plan through - dfrecore - 07-05-2016

I already have it set up to do the BSBA using You can use 24 courses/72 credits, which works out to $41.25/course. Of course, you're passing up some cheaper Saylor and free TEEX credits to use up all 72cr, but that's ok. It can still work out to be a great deal, especially if you end up enjoying the Saylor format.

And they have added a Public Speaking course, which they (and ACE) shows as 1cr, but which the TESU equivalency chart shows as 3cr and fulfilling the Speech requirement, so I would do that there (it's cheaper than the SL course or the DSST exam).

Anyway, check it out and follow it, it's an easy plan to do.

Good luck!

Degree plan through - ndelco - 07-05-2016

This plan is so awesome! Thank you!!

Degree plan through - Wingz - 07-05-2016

I did the public speaking class and then it mapped to only 1 credit at TESU.

Your mileage may vary

Degree plan through - Nixi - 07-05-2016

Wingz Wrote:I did the public speaking class and then it mapped to only 1 credit at TESU.

Your mileage may vary

Maybe someone made a mistake in your evaluation. I recommend you contact and ask them to look into this. Also send them a screenshot of's transfer page where it says this is 3 credits Thomas Edison State University.

Degree plan through - ndelco - 07-07-2016

Deleted and started in new thread.

Degree plan through - ndelco - 07-07-2016

I emailed TESU last night to verify that the course transfer catalog was up to date. They responded this morning with this message:

[COLOR="#FF0000"]We have solved your issue

Thank you for contacting Thomas Edison State University.

It appears that some of the TESU courses listed on do not correspond with the courses listed on the University's website. You can check the courses offered at the University at this link Thomas Edison State University | Undergrad Course Offerings.

The best way to ensure the courses taken at will transfer to TESU is to have an academic advisor review, approve and plan the courses into your degree program. Once the courses have been planned into your degree program, you simply register and pay the separate tuition at, take and pass the courses, and then transfer the credits. has been reviewed for college credit recommendation by the American Council on Education (ACE), so you would have ACE send your official ACE transcript to the University's registrar's office.

In order to have an academic advisor review your courses, you must apply at College Degrees for Adults at Thomas Edison State University and be admitted to the University. Academic advisors can only assist students who have been admitted to the University.

If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Kind regards,[/COLOR]

Would someone who is currently registered at the college be willing to ask about which specific courses don't transfer? After going through my template and comparing to the link that the lady sent me I have multiple course numbers that do not match. I am not very good at setting up a template so any help would be greatly appreciated. My course numbers that do not show up on the TESU website but are on as transferable to TESU are:
PHI 379
EDU 102
HEA 103
STA 211
HIS 252
GOG 120
COM 300
MIS 301

Degree plan through - davewill - 07-07-2016

Is there some reason why you don't go ahead and apply? If you apply, then they will put the courses into your academic plan for you. That way you can't get tripped up later.

Degree plan through - ndelco - 07-07-2016

My reason for not applying now is that I know there is no chance of me being finished before next year. Can I apply now for the $75 fee and then enroll in maybe two years and not have to re-apply and pay again? I just didn't want to pay $75 for something that I won't be using anytime soon.

Degree plan through - alzee - 07-07-2016

ndelcollo Wrote:My reason for not applying now is that I know there is no chance of me being finished before next year. Can I apply now for the $75 fee and then enroll in maybe two years and not have to re-apply and pay again? I just didn't want to pay $75 for something that I won't be using anytime soon.

$75/year is a small price to pay to guarantee that the credits you're earning now do not end up completely worthless.

If you're not enrolled, the catalog you're using to plan your degree can (and will) change out from under you.