Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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Questioning your path - Hunter91 - 07-05-2015

So I finished my BA in liberal studies from TESC in May and I'm about 8 weeks into my one-year certificate program that would make me a registered EEG tech by the end (assuming I pass the board exams)...The truth is, I just don't want to wake up early tomorrow morning and go to my clinicals. Not sure if it's just a slump I'm in, or the job itself isn't as engaging of a career as I thought it would have been from the outside looking in.

Not really having any job experience besides half a year of retail, would it be a mistake to drop this certificate program which provides technical training and leads to a specific career for another BA? The thought of learning another language intrigues me...I had the past few days off and in that time I've been thinking a lot about traveling (haven't traveled much in my life), reading books (not text books-- Moreso self-help books) , entrepreneurial ideas, and going for long morning walks listening to podcasts about success and business mindsets. Maybe this downtime has just given me time to distract myself and overthink things, I don't know, but its made me contemplate about the choices I'm making. If I am to make a choice and pursue something else, I think it would be wise to do it before I shell out more money and time for a second & third semester. Definitely don't want to quit, look back, and realize I made a mistake. Just looking for some input I guess. Maybe some of you have experienced such thoughts?


Questioning your path - Lindagerr - 07-05-2015

How long do you have before you need to register for the next semester? You may just be going through a rough stretch. If you didn't take any time off between finishing your degree and starting this program you might have a little bit of school burn out.

You sound like you are young and you are not yet sure what you want to do with the rest of your life. Do you have family or other financial responsibilities? If you don't do the EEG program what would you want to do? You have had a few days off but how would you afford to travel or pay for a second BA?

We all have times when we worry that we have made the wrong choice, but sometimes it is just a passing phase. I would say give the program some more time maybe one more semester. There is nothing that says you couldn't learn a second language on the side and this might help you if you want to try being an EEG tech in another country at some point.

Just don't make rash life changing decisions, take time write down the pros and cons and discuss it with someone you trust.

Of course I am saying this as someone who wanted to be a nurse from the time I was 7 then dropped out of nursing school, tried to go back to nursing and life got in the way so I became a chemist, then in my 50's decided I wanted to be a teacher. So nothing has to be set in stone or forever.

Questioning your path - Hunter91 - 07-05-2015

To answer your questions:

I probably need to register for classes in 4 weeks. Finished my degree on May 4th, and started school on the 18th. I live with my family and don't have any financial responsibilities, but I'm getting to the age where I need to start getting some traction career wise.

If I don't do the EEG program I'm thinking about getting a 2nd BA in a foreign language, teaching English abroad, or attempting to start a supplement company.

In order to pay for the 2nd BA I would have to get a job. It would likely be a minimum wage job.

Thank you for your input.

Questioning your path - bluebooger - 07-05-2015

why would you get a 2nd BA in a foreign language ?

totally unnecessary if you want to teach ESL

I think its a mistake to drop the EEG program

you even say "In order to pay for the 2nd BA I would have to get a job. It would likely be a minimum wage job."

so what's the point of quitting a program that's going to give you a job that pays more than minimum wage just so you can get a job that pays minimum wage and spend the next 18 months working that minimum wage job that you probably aren't even going to like ?

you can always do a 2nd degree, but at least this way you'll have a job that pays more than minimum wage and this job has some mobility built in (there are nursing homes, hospices and hospitals everywhere)

and not only does it have location mobility, but also upwards mobility - learn phlebotomy and CNA (or EMT) and you can get a job as a PCT (Patient Care Technician) - more money and more opportunities

take the time you would spend earning a 2nd worthless degree and spend it earning certs that will get you an actual job

then at the end of that time if you still want to teach ESL just go do it
you do NOT need a degree in Japanese to teach ESL in Japan
you do NOT need a degree in Spanish to teach ESL in Chile

getting a CELTA would be nice

but even that is not necessary

just the being a native english speaker with a degree is all many places require

are there no places in your city where you can volunteer ?

I live in NYC and there are 100s of places that need volunteers to teach ESL to immigrants

if you could do that that would be great experience to put on your resume

there are even plenty of colleges with foreign students in NYC who would love to do some language exchange - you help them with their conversational english and they help you with whatever language you want

do you have any universities in your area ?

Questioning your path - cptdilbert - 07-06-2015

bluebooger Wrote:why would you get a 2nd BA in a foreign language ?

I am going to echo that a 2nd BA is most likely a terrible investment. Would you go back to high school to take different electives?

When you are lacking confidence about your purpose or career is the wrong time to 'redo' any part of your education. This is a version of a mistake many people on this forum made earlier in their lives, myself included.

Pat yourself on the back for getting the BA and my recommendation would be get some work experience before making your next major educational commitment. There is a reason the average age at enrollment for a MBA is close to 30 for many programs. It is normal to earn a bachelor degree in something (underwater basketweaving), work in a related or unrelated field for a while, find your purpose and career, and then return for graduate school in a field that may have nothing to do with your bachelor degree.

If you must get additional education, I would echo the earlier comment focusing on either professional certification or just plain education through work experience.

If you are going to go back for a degree, try to get into a master program, not a second bachelor program.

Questioning your path - Hunter91 - 07-06-2015

Thank you for the input everyone. I think your advice is very practical. It's funny how we can convince ourselves of things when we're in a slump, and I think this may just be that. Thank you again.

Questioning your path - cookderosa - 07-06-2015

of course you can return to school, but before you do, consider that you can learn a language without going to school ($$) or quitting your EEG program.

I don't know anything about EEG work, but I know that in life, 8 weeks isn't very long. I'm sure there is more to learn once you have your foundational skills down. You might say that you don't know what you don't know (yet). If you want my opinion, it would be to consider sticking it out a little longer. Quitting can happen any time, but resuming can't be. Even if you don't "love" it and it isn't the right passion for you, is it a job that could pay your bills for the next year or two while you discover something more engaging? If you have to work "somewhere" is this field so bad?

EDIT: I want to echo what Linda said. You know, she and I are probably close to the age of your parents, and so age brings perspective (I didn't say wisdom lol) but one wrong assumption I had as a younger person was that I'd get 1 pick- so I'd better pick well. And guess what? You don't get 1 pick, you can pick a new career every few years if you want to. Of course, you get more traction and upward mobility when you stick in the same track, but there is nothing that REQUIRES you to be stagnant! You can do this for a few years and then do something new. It takes time to learn a foreign language anyway- so why not open up a Duolingo account and start today? You can be my Duolingo friend on there- I'm on there studying French. Level 7 baby! hilarious

Questioning your path - Hunter91 - 07-06-2015

cookderosa Wrote:of course you can return to school, but before you do, consider that you can learn a language without going to school ($$) or quitting your EEG program.

I don't know anything about EEG work, but I know that in life, 8 weeks isn't very long. I'm sure there is more to learn once you have your foundational skills down. You might say that you don't know what you don't know (yet). If you want my opinion, it would be to consider sticking it out a little longer. Quitting can happen any time, but resuming can't be. Even if you don't "love" it and it isn't the right passion for you, is it a job that could pay your bills for the next year or two while you discover something more engaging? If you have to work "somewhere" is this field so bad?

EDIT: I want to echo what Linda said. You know, she and I are probably close to the age of your parents, and so age brings perspective (I didn't say wisdom lol) but one wrong assumption I had as a younger person was that I'd get 1 pick- so I'd better pick well. And guess what? You don't get 1 pick, you can pick a new career every few years if you want to. Of course, you get more traction and upward mobility when you stick in the same track, but there is nothing that REQUIRES you to be stagnant! You can do this for a few years and then do something new. It takes time to learn a foreign language anyway- so why not open up a Duolingo account and start today? You can be my Duolingo friend on there- I'm on there studying French. Level 7 baby! hilarious

Thank you. I think you make some really good points. And Duolingo is a great service. Dabbled with it a while back.

Questioning your path - UptonSinclair - 07-06-2015

Rather than continue in your EEG program, you might be better off entering the job market for a while. It sounds like you are unsure of the next step. You might as well earn an income while deciding on that next step. If you want to go abroad, you might consider the Peace Corp. It would help you gain work experience and see if you like living abroad.

Questioning your path - Devanna - 07-07-2015

If I were you I would wait a bit and see if this desire to travel and learn another language sticks around. It might just simply be a flight of fancy and I would hate for you to follow it and then realize it wasn't really what you wanted.