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Second degree from a different school - happydayruth - 03-23-2015

I'd love to get some advice on something I've been thinking about recently, which is the possibility of getting a second bachelor's degree from a completely different school after I finish the one I'm currently working on at TESC.

I know most people recommend going for a graduate degree instead of a second bachelor's, and a master's degree in my current area of study IS something I'm thinking about, but the reason I'm thinking about a second bachelor's is simply because I'm interested in taking college-level courses in a completely different area of study. I'm interested studying crisis counseling at a school that also accepts a large amount of CBEs; so, if I can transfer my CBE credits in and only have 60 or so credits to earn through them, would it make any sense to do it that way?

I've seen a lot of threads about second degrees through TESC, but I'm wondering if there's any general information out there about using previously earned credits to earn a second degree through a different school.


Second degree from a different school - dmjacobsen - 03-23-2015

I think you would be better-served if you could find a Master's in that area that either didn't require specific pre-req's, or for which your undergrad could be used as a pre-req. 60 additional undergrad hours is going to take you about the same amount of time as it would take to get a Master's degree (in many cases).

It will probably be difficult to find a counseling degree that does not require a psych/sociology undergrad, but it's worth it to look.

As for your question on double-dipping with your previous credits that were applied to your first undergrad, this will be a matter of individual university policy.

Second degree from a different school - mednat - 03-23-2015

I intend to get a second undergrad from TESC, mostly because of the limited cost (don't have to meet residency again!) and the ability to test out of classes does not make it on par with the cost/time for a masters. I will also work on a graduate degree, but I enjoy the format I've had for my undergrad and I see this as a cheap opportunity to get a degree in areas that I have personal (but little professional) interest.

To each his own. I would ask, why a different school?

Second degree from a different school - dmjacobsen - 03-23-2015

mednat Wrote:To each his own. I would ask, why a different school?

Looks like OP is seeking a specific degree (crisis counseling) that OP's chosen school offers. Now, if you could get a second degree in another area while only having to take a minimal number of courses (especially if you could test out of those), then I'd say go for it. But the idea of taking 60 additional hours of synchronous courses for a second Bachelor's (which seems like it may be the case in OP's scenario, considering it is sort of a clinical major) just sounds like too much trouble for the payoff.

Second degree from a different school - ajs1976 - 03-23-2015

Here is Charter Oak's policy: Earning a Second Degree - Charter Oak State College Catalog

To use up some business classes I had taken a few years ago, I was considering a BSBA after finishing an IS program. Grad school is delayed, so I was looking for something to do while I was waiting. Not sure how much it would benefit me but it was an interest.

Second degree from a different school - cookderosa - 03-23-2015

happydayruth Wrote:I'd love to get some advice on something I've been thinking about recently, which is the possibility of getting a second bachelor's degree from a completely different school after I finish the one I'm currently working on at TESC.

I know most people recommend going for a graduate degree instead of a second bachelor's, and a master's degree in my current area of study IS something I'm thinking about, but the reason I'm thinking about a second bachelor's is simply because I'm interested in taking college-level courses in a completely different area of study. I'm interested studying crisis counseling at a school that also accepts a large amount of CBEs; so, if I can transfer my CBE credits in and only have 60 or so credits to earn through them, would it make any sense to do it that way?

I've seen a lot of threads about second degrees through TESC, but I'm wondering if there's any general information out there about using previously earned credits to earn a second degree through a different school.


Just answering generically, the 100 and 200 level coursework is really where you can save huge time and money through cheap testing and free credit. 300 and 400 level are a little more tricky in planning and can be more expensive. You're also more limited in choices- where you might have 15 options to meet one 100 level course, at the 300 level, there might only be 1 or 2 options that are either inexpensive or testable. My point, is that the low-hanging fruit is in your first 60 credits.

When you complete a second degree in a new area, you're likely going to have to earn no less than 15, and possibly 30+ new credits that may all be upper level. That can be a challenge and expensive. A master's degree (while testing isn't really an option) is going to be sitting around 30 credits give or take. If you're willing to spend $250/credit, you should get the masters. The work is the work- you either do it for one class or another. IMO, my graduate school wasn't "harder" but it did require more writing and reading- something that I enjoy doing and am speedy at, so for *me* doing some of my grad classes/writing papers was actually easier than studying for a test that I had to take without notes /closed book / proctored (I'm a pretty poor test taker).

So imo, time-work-money you really are not too far apart between the two. The other part of my opinion, is that having a second undergraduate degree is less useful than having a masters degree probably 90% of the time. There is a distinction between studying something you enjoy and earning a credential. My opinion is that by if you're earning the credential (MS) you should make it count. Just my two cents, and for what it's worth, I'd considered a second BA for a long time. SO glad to have my master's degree behind me, it was worth it and I don't know if after completing a SECOND BA that I'd have the stamina to do it all again for a master.

Second degree from a different school - happydayruth - 03-26-2015

dmjacobsen Wrote:Looks like OP is seeking a specific degree (crisis counseling) that OP's chosen school offers.

^This is correct.

Thanks for the information everyone! If I were to pursue a second bachelor's, it would be more because it's a subject I'm interested in, I enjoy learning and the learning process, and I would not be as concerned at that point with the time or work involved. But I'll be weighing all my options. Thanks again!