Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
Flashcards on Quizlet and - Printable Version

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Flashcards on Quizlet and - ProfessorViking - 12-13-2014

Hello. I have started using a method I havent see discussed here before.

Step 1: Download Flashcards deluxe or a similar app that tests you on digital flashcards incrementally( )
Step 2: search for the DSST or CLEP test of your choice. For Intro to world religions, I found 14 decs ranging from 12 cards to 300 cards.
Step 3: When you have 100 cards memorized for an interval of a week, schedule your test. Keep on testing and aim for 200 cards memorized for a week. More for the harder tests.

Here is an example of what I found.
DSST Intro to World Religions flashcards | Quizlet

So what do you guys think? is this an effective way to go about things?
Does anyone here create and put up their own flashcards up on Cram or quizlet?

Flashcards on Quizlet and - GoodYellowDogs - 12-14-2014

I used Instantcert flashcards and passed 13 exams for a total of 45 units.

Flashcards on Quizlet and - jmeitrem - 12-14-2014

I love both of those sites! When I'm studying I always type into Google "[test name] flashcards" to see what comes up. The best feature in my opinion is the "export to read-only" that I can paste easily into Word. That way I can print them out as a study guide. I wish IC had that function, although I can see that being abused. I've only used the IC flashcards a couple of times. Most of the time I just combine Specific Exam Feedback, Quizlet, and Cram into one study guide