Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
TESC Liberal Arts - Plan done but need input: - Printable Version

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TESC Liberal Arts - Plan done but need input: - geissingert - 09-19-2014

Here is the plan for my daughter and the LA @ TESC- She picked out the classes, but wanted to know if there was anything else she can take besides all the history classes for this degree? She wanted to more "ARTSY" type history classes or something else.

General Education: Intellectual & Practical Skills15 Allocated 15 credits

Composition3 Allocated 3 credits

English Composition IENC-101 Straighterline $150 -$346.00 3.0 credits

Writing Intensive3 Allocated 3 credits

English Composition IIENC-102 Straighterline$150- $346.00 3.0 credits

Math3 Allocated 3 credits

Intermediate AlgebraALEK 0002 ALEKS $19.95-$40 3.0 credits

Intellectual & Practical Skills Electives6 Allocated 6 credits

Introduction to ComputingCOS 101 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits

College Algebra ALEKS $19.95-$40 3.0 credits

Ib - General Education: Human Culture/Physical & Natural World18 Allocated 18 credits

Social Science3 Allocated 3 credits

Introductory PsychologyPSY 101 CE CLEP $80.00 3.0 credits

Natural Science3 Allocated 3 credits

Environment and HumanityENS 201 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits

Humanities3 Allocated 3 credits

Comparative WorldviewsHUM 101 CP Course $197.00 3.0 credits

Human Culture/Physical & Natural World Electives9 Allocated 9 credits

Western Civilization IIHIS 102 CE CLEP $80.00 3.0 credits

Western Civilization IHIS 101 CE CLEP $80.00 3.0 credits

AstronomyAST 101 DSST $80.00 3.0 credits (She's not thrilled with this) (Do they have botany?)

Ic - General Education: Personal & Social Responsibility 9 Allocated 9 credits

Ethics3 Allocated 3 credits

Ethics in America *PHI 287 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits

Diversity/Global Literacy3 Allocated 3 credits

Introductory SociologySOC 101 CE CLEP $80.00 3.0 credits

Personal & Social Responsibility Elective3 Allocated 3 credits

Human/Cultural GeographyGOG 120 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits

Id - General Education: Electives18 Allocated 18 credits

Electives18 Allocated 18 credits

Precalculus ALEKS $19.95- $40 3.0 credits

Social Justice from a Biblical PerspectiveSOS 299 CP Course $197.00 3.0 credits

Principles of MacroeconomicsECO 111 CE CLEP $80.00 3.0 credits

Principles of MicroeconomicsECO 112 CE CLEP $80.00 3.0 credits

History of the United States IHIS 113 CE CLEP $80.00 3.0 credits

History of the United States IIHIS 114 CE CLEP $80.00 3.0 credits

II - Area of Study33 Allocated 33 credits

100-200 Level15 Allocated 15 credits

Analyzing and Interpreting LiteratureLIT 291/292 CE CLEP $80.00 6.0 credits

Art of the Western WorldART 166 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits

Introduction to StatisticsSTA 201 ALEKS $19.95 3.0 credits

Technical WritingENG 201 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits

300-400 Level18 Allocated 18 credits

Liberal Arts Capstone *LIB 495 TESC Course $636.00 3.0 credits

Money and BankingECO 332 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits (Not excited about this)

A History of the Vietnam WarHIS 351 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits (Not excited about this)

Organizational BehaviorPSY 361 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits

The Rise and Fall of the Soviet UnionHIS 386 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits (Not excited about this)

Introduction to World ReligionsREL 405 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits

III - Free Electives27 Allocated 27 credits

Free Electives27 Allocated 27 credits

Introduction to BusinessBUS 101 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits

Principles of ManagementMAN 301 CE CLEP $80.00 3.0 credits

Principles of MarketingMAR 301 CE CLEP $80.00 3.0 credits

Principles of SupervisionMAN 201 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits

Principles of Financial AccountingACC 101 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits

Business Ethics and SocietyBUS 302 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits

Introduction to EntrepreneurshipMAN 230 CP Course $197.00 3.0 credits

Introduction to Law EnforcementAOJ 101 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits (Not excited about this)

Human Resource ManagementMAN 331 DE DSST $80.00 3.0 credits

.Thanks in advance. You all have been fantastic!

TESC Liberal Arts - Plan done but need input: - sanantone - 09-19-2014

She can earn 12 free credits for free electives through TEEX, the Kaplan PLA course, and NFA (Q118, Q318, and Q137).
NFA Online Course Catalog

TESC Liberal Arts - Plan done but need input: - KayV - 09-19-2014

She needs 24 credits (7 TECEPs and a Capstone) to be eligible for the Pay Credit tuition plan, thereby waiving the enrollment fee and saving $$$.
Thomas Edison State College: All TECEP® Tests

Also, Saylor credits are 3 hours for only the ProctorU fee ($25 per exam). This list is from a current thread:

Saylor Course--------------------------------------------------------------TESC Equivalent
Beginning Algebra (MA001)-----------------------------------------------College Algebra (MAT-121)
Business Law and Ethics (BUS205)-----------------------------------------Business Law (LAW-201)
Business Statistics (BUS204)-----------------------------------------------Business Statistics (OPM-351)
Calculus I (MA005)--------------------------------------------------------------Calculus I (MAT-231)
Corporate Communication (BUS210)---------------------------------Managerial Communications (MAN-373)
Introduction to Computer Science I (CS101)---------------------------Introduction to Computers (COS-101)
Introduction to Western Political Thought (POLSC201)-------------------Generic Political LL Credit (POS-299)
Principles of Management (BUS208)-------------------------------------Principles of Management (MAN-301)
Principles of Marketing (BUS203)-----------------------------------------Introduction to Marketing (MAR-301)

I have heard that Managerial Communication can also count as COM-373 for Humanities credit.

TESC Liberal Arts - Plan done but need input: - geissingert - 09-19-2014


I'm not understanding the 7 TCEPS for the pay credit tuition plan. Can you explain this to me? Sorry to be so thick. This is all new to me.


TESC Liberal Arts - Plan done but need input: - KayV - 09-19-2014

The Per Credit Tuition Plan lets you avoid the high enrollment fee under the Enrolled Options Plan. The caveat is that it has a 24-credit residency requirement for bachelor’s degrees. However, TECEPs are cheap ways of fulfilling the residency requirement. 24 credits from TECEPs will cost $888, and you get the bonus of filling in areas for which you would have used CLEP, DSST, or something else. The enrollment fee is $3,154 under the Enrolled Options Plan, and that doesn't cover any credits.

Bricabrac has a wealth of more information about TECEPs in her signature links. Smile

TESC Liberal Arts - Plan done but need input: - geissingert - 09-19-2014

Thank you for explaining. I will find bricabrac

TESC Liberal Arts - Plan done but need input: - KayV - 09-19-2014

I have been looking at the plan you have above and noticed that your daughter had a lot of business electives in her free electives section. You might discuss with her the fact that a business degree is much more marketable than a BA in Liberal Studies. In the plan below, I took the classes you listed above and more or less rearranged what she had already listed, taking away the courses she was not thrilled about and replacing them with things she might be interested in. I also put in some TECEPs for the cost reduction, and as many no- and low-cost courses as possible.

TESC BSBA General Management
I. General Education Requirements

1. ENC-101 TECEP English Composition I 3 $111
2. ENC-102 TECEP English Composition II 3 $111
3. MAT-121 ALEKS College Algebra 3 $20
4. MAN-373 Saylor Managerial Communication 3 $25
5. PLA-1/200 Kaplan Prior Learning Assessment 3 $0
6. ECO-111 CLEP Macroeconomics 3 $80
7. ECO-112 CLEP Microeconomics 3 $80
8. STA-201 ALEKS Statistics 3 $20
9. ENS-201 DSST Environment and Humanity 3 $80 or Saylor Bio or Chem (ACE) 3 $25
10. SOS-299 CP Social Justice from a Biblical Perspective 3 $197
11. ART-166 DSST Art of the Western World $80
12. HUM-101 CP Comparative Worldviews 3 $197
13. ETH-210 TECEP Environmental Ethics 3 $111
14. REL-405 DSST Intro to World Religions 3 $80
15. LIT-291/292 CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 6 $80
16. MAT-119 ALEKS Intermediate Algebra 3 $20
17. COM-210 TECEP Public Relations Thought & Practice 3 $111
18. ENG-201 TECEP Technical Writing 3 $111
19. POS-299 Saylor Intro to Western Political Thought 3 $25

II. Professional Business Requirements
A. Business Core
1. FIN-301 DSST Principles of Finance 3 $80
2. LAW-201 Saylor Business Law and Ethics 3 $25
3. BUS-311 TECEP Business in Society 3 $111
4. BUS-421 TECEP Strategic Management 3 $111 (or Penn Foster course)
5. COS-101 Saylor Intro to Computers 3 $25
6. MAR-301 Saylor Principles of Marketing 3 $25 (or CLEP $80)
7. ACC-101 TECEP Principles of Financial Accounting 3 $111
8. MAN-301 Saylor Principles of Management 3 $25 (or CLEP $80)
9. ACC-102 TECEP Principles of Managerial Accounting 3 $111
B. Area of Study: General Management
1. Accounting 3
a. ACC-201 Intermed. Accounting I 3 (Penn Foster or Straighterline Cost Acct.)
2. Management 9
a. MAN-230 CP Intro to Entrepreneurship 3 $197
b. MAN-311 DSST Organizational Behavior 3 $80
c. MAN-331 DSST Human Resource Management 3 $80
3. Marketing 6
a. MAR-321 TECEP Marketing Communications 3 $111
b. MAR-323 TECEP Advertising 3 $111
4. Business Electives 9
a. BUS-101 DSST Intro to Business 3 $80
b. BUS-302 DSST Business Ethics and Society 3 $80
c. CIS-107 TECEP Computer Concepts/ Apps 3 $111
5. Free Electives 6
a. CIS-299 TEEX Computer Security for Everyone 2 $0
b. CIS-344 TEEX Computer Security for IT Professionals 2 $0
c. MAN-299 TEEX Computer Security for Business 2 $0