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Just Returned from Taking Statistics...What A Joke! - steelers - 07-10-2007

I had to take the paper-based version because the computer based exams were down at the testing center. I believe that I failed it in a big way. After the first go through I was feeling pretty decent about the questions that I had answered, only to realize that I had answered less than half of them! After counting how many I had answered on the first time through my optimism quickly faded. There was a total of 97 questions. I would say that I felt pretty good about 40 of them, made some decent guesses at about 15, and pretty much had to guess at about 40.

Unless this thing is graded on the mother of all curves there is no way I passed. It would be a miracle! It was an insanely hard exam. It made Civil War seem like reciting the alphabet. I have no idea how it can even be considered LL. Also, I have no idea how some have scored well using only IC. If ever there was a group of cards that could be revised this is it. Can you say Null Hypothesis? There had to be like 20 questions related to it and I think IC has two cards on it. There was also a lot of symbols, etc., that I did not even recognize. I can't blame IC though. IC rules!

I knew that I had to review other sources I just didn't have the time. I had to meet a graduation deadline. Unfortunately, with a fail I will have to accept the BSL instead of a BS in Psychology. BTW, I think that it is silly that this course/exam is needed for a degree in psychology. With modern computer software, etc., who even ever uses statistics any more?

My wife has an MS in School Psychology and has never had to use statistics one time in her profession. Anyway, as you can all tell I'm annoyed and feel like I wasted my time trying to pass this. At least I can say I tried I guess.

Just Returned from Taking Statistics...What A Joke! - Kiwi Lover - 07-10-2007

steelers Wrote:Unless this thing is graded on the mother of all curves there is no way I passed.

Don't IS!! You aren't the only one to leave that test thinking the exact same thing, only to find out they passed. So don't be discouraged and don't beat yourself up about it, okay? You did the best you could on a very difficult exam and lived through it!

We'll look forward to your post in a couple weeks shouting the news that you passed! Wink

JoAnne Smile

Just Returned from Taking Statistics...What A Joke! - ShotoJuku - 07-11-2007

[SIZE="2"]Statistically speaking, I believe the odds (or curve) will be with you - Good Luck!![/SIZE]

Just Returned from Taking Statistics...What A Joke! - dhlvrsn - 07-11-2007

Best of luck. Don't let this one hold you up. I agree on the Nul Hypothesis stuff. I think I had the same version of the exam. I made the best guess on those same 20 questions and still passed the exam. Not only is it glossed over in instantcert I could not find much online that addressed the equation based format used in all of those questions. Time to focus on the next test!

Just Returned from Taking Statistics...What A Joke! - 4dkids - 07-11-2007

I'm sorry your experience was difficult. For us yet to take this crazy exam, we appreciate your input so much. Here's pulling for that surprise pass!!!

Just Returned from Taking Statistics...What A Joke! - yutzyj - 07-11-2007

Steelers- I bet in a few weeks when that big brown envelope arrives it will be glowing with a passing score. This test is graded on a big curve. Don't give up hope! Lots of people have left a testing center thinking that they failed and found out that they passeed. I'm sure you will be in that same boat.

Just Returned from Taking Statistics...What A Joke! - Matymus - 07-11-2007

Here's praying that you passed. I was afraid of this one as well...thank God that I was able to do the computer version, otherwise I'd go nuts waiting. I'm sure you'll do fine! Wink

Just Returned from Taking Statistics...What A Joke! - mjno - 07-11-2007

Hey Steelers,

I am sure you did fine.

As I said to you before, I was convinced that I did not do well until I saw my score.


Just Returned from Taking Statistics...What A Joke! - ridin8ude - 07-11-2007

Dude you're really freaking me out with this post. I am dreading the statistics test more than any other.

Please let us know the results and I hope it's not as bad as you say!
I'll be taking the DSST stat exam around August 7th...

Just Returned from Taking Statistics...What A Joke! - Librevore - 07-11-2007

I'm really rooting for you, Steelers. Can't wait to find out how you did!