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Recipes for leftover beer that's about to go in the trash - sanantone - 12-10-2013

I've come to the conclusion that all alcohol is nasty except for some flavored malt liquor drinks (wine coolers, Smirnoff) and maybe Moscato depending on the brand. I bought 3 different 4-6 packs of beers that were recommended for people who hate beer. Only one of them was tolerable, but still not enjoyable. I have nut brown ale, a wheat beer, and some light Italian beer I don't even know what to call. What can I cook with these?

Recipes for leftover beer that's about to go in the trash - Tedium - 12-10-2013

The only thing that popped into my mind was chicken. In Louisiana, us coonasses are fond of beer can chicken. I am assuming that what you have are bottles though?

Here's a neat recipe for a crock pot that I would not mind trying myself: Crock Pot Beer Chicken Recipe - 3 Points + - LaaLoosh

Recipes for leftover beer that's about to go in the trash - mrs.b - 12-10-2013

I can't drink beer, either; I only drink mixed drinks (favorite is Midori Sour - Midori with some sour mix; it tastes like a sweet Jolly Rancher). But hubs does and sometimes his friends bring over way more than we feel like storing, so we've got a few recipes we use to purge the stock.

For the honey nut brine pork chops? We typically use a dark ale, not honey nut, but I think it would be fine.
For the wheat beer...try a chicken marinade with garlic and whatever other seasonings you have handy and want to toss in.
For the Italian beer...I had to Google that one, it's not one friends or we ever buy. Looks like beef might be a good choice. Try searching "italian beer beef" for some possibilities.

Alternatively, hubs said you could donate them to someone with a compost pile; it's an activator. Or if you've got dead spots in your lawn (or someone's lawn), it's a decent fertilizer.

Recipes for leftover beer that's about to go in the trash - Lindagerr - 12-10-2013

Even us "sufisticacated" people in NJ like beer can chicken. But I would think you could probably find lots of good beer recipes on pinterest they seem to have a recipe for everything. I don't drink beer either but give me a good Pinot Grigio and I'm in heaven.

P.S. Our library recently had a used book sale and there was a whole cook book on cooking with beer.

Recipes for leftover beer that's about to go in the trash - Johann - 12-10-2013

Google "Cooking with Beer" and you get around 102,000,000 results. I looked at the first 12 and there are several hundred ideas, combined. I quit drinking completely about 8-9 years ago. Before that, it was very rare for any form of alcohol to survive long enough to be in a cooking-pot, in my house! Smile

I did occasionally use a bit of beer (maybe a half-bottle of any good, strong Canadian or German brew) as liquid when roasting beef in a slow-cooker. Another favourite "intoxicating" recipe was the addition of a generous shot of bourbon or Southern Comfort to a crock of home-baked beans. Made a very nice smell, anyway! Smile


Recipes for leftover beer that's about to go in the trash - sanantone - 12-10-2013

I know how to Google, but I don't want to waste food and beer on a bad recipe when I can just throw the beer in the trash and save the food.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Recipes for leftover beer that's about to go in the trash - cookderosa - 12-11-2013

sanantone Wrote:I've come to the conclusion that all alcohol is nasty except for some flavored malt liquor drinks (wine coolers, Smirnoff) and maybe Moscato depending on the brand. I bought 3 different 4-6 packs of beers that were recommended for people who hate beer. Only one of them was tolerable, but still not enjoyable. I have nut brown ale, a wheat beer, and some light Italian beer I don't even know what to call. What can I cook with these?

Just give them away. If you don't like the beer flavor, cooking with beer intensifies the beer flavor while cooking out most of the alcohol.

Recipes for leftover beer that's about to go in the trash - publius2k4 - 12-11-2013

I've heard it said that making bread with beer is pretty good, but I have never tried it.

Recipes for leftover beer that's about to go in the trash - sanantone - 12-11-2013

cookderosa Wrote:Just give them away. If you don't like the beer flavor, cooking with beer intensifies the beer flavor while cooking out most of the alcohol.

It's not really the flavor of beer that's the issue for me; it's the alcohol. Cooking out the alcohol can only be an improvement for me. That's why I like wine coolers, which are nothing but flavored beers, because they have added flavors that help to cover up the alcohol taste. I've had beer-battered chickens strips that were pretty good; I just don't have a good recipe. I'll just go to and analyze the ratings and reviews.

Recipes for leftover beer that's about to go in the trash - cookderosa - 12-11-2013

sanantone Wrote:It's not really the flavor of beer that's the issue for me; it's the alcohol. Cooking out the alcohol can only be an improvement for me. That's why I like wine coolers, which are nothing but flavored beers, because they have added flavors that help to cover up the alcohol taste. I've had beer-battered chickens strips that were pretty good; I just don't have a good recipe. I'll just go to and analyze the ratings and reviews.

Good plan Smile I came back because I remembered another idea. I remember washing my hair with beer once, it was supposed to do something fantastic, but I can't remember what lol.