Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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MacroEcon - Sigmund - 09-13-2013

For those if you that completed and passed the exam how much study time did it take? What material did you use? Should I consider using the Khan academy videos?

MacroEcon - koenigtv - 09-13-2013

Check the Exam feedback section for a list of study resources and user study guides. IC is enough to pass the CLEP and I also used some YouTube videos to explain the graph shifts.

MacroEcon - HorseManiac - 09-13-2013

I second koenigtv's suggestion to check out the feedback section and to use IC. I also used the Saylor course to study which I thought was really helpful....ECON102: Principles of Macroeconomics « – Free Online Courses Built by Professors. You can check out Principles of Macroeconomics CLEP Study Guide - too.

Also, if you will need to take Microeconomics in the future, you might want to consider taking them together as there is a lot of overlap between Macro and Micro. Smile

MacroEcon - SoliDeoGloria - 09-13-2013

This was excellent for Macroeconomics: Economics 102: Macroeconomics Course - Free Online Video Lessons | Education Portal. I went through all of the videos, and they really explained the concepts well. Check the topics with College Board's breakdown to make sure you cover them all because a few topics are missing. To fill in the blanks, I used IC flashcards and Principles of Macroeconomics -by- Libby Rittenberg and Timothy Tregarthen, particularly "international trade." The Peterson's practice tests were helpful as well. I also recommend the Official CLEP Study Guide (I scored 83% on the practice test.) because I have found it is usually a pretty good indicator of how I will do on the actual test.

Hope it goes well! Economics is a very interesting topic Smile.

MacroEcon - anucha45 - 09-14-2013

I've been studying for 2 weeks now. I'm using the following sources:

-Instacert flashcards,
-REA book,
-Resources available here: World Mentoring Academy | FREE Interactive Learning OpenCourseware from MIT, UC Berkeley, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, U Houston, USC, UCLA, Khan Academy, NPTEL (you can register for free),
-Barron's Economics textbook ( Buying Choices: Economics (Barron's Business Review))

I hope to pass this exam in October.

Good luck!