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MBA Update - burbuja0512 - 04-11-2013

Hi all,

I wanted to say hi to everyone and say that even though I have been almost totally absent on the forum, I do plan to come back soon. Here is an update on post-COSC life

1) Graduated from COSC May 2011
2) Entered MBA program August 2011
3) Got promoted from domestic job to international job April 2012
4) Too busy with new job to enjoy the MBA - have traveled 150k miles since then.. 60k+ this year alone and will hit 100k by summer (Europe, Asia, Africa, S.America!)
5) TOTALLY burned out and counting down the days until I graduate on August 25

Overall, I am SOOOOO glad that I finished up my BS and would recommend the CLEP/DSST route to anyone who has the interest, dedication, and self-discipline to do it. Regarding the MBA, I have mixed feelings. I love the fact that I have more of a "real" school experience and have learned a lot. Not to mention, I have leveraged my program to get the job of my dreams. However, I miss the freedom and fun of CLEP tests. My MBA is useful, but partially very important because it's not a traditional degree, but a specialized Global MBA and also because I have been working in my "spare" time to learn Portuguese, which was essential for my new job and have now also started French.. which I don't have time for, but desperately need.

What have I learned? CLEP/DSST is a GREAT way to go!!! The undergrad is essential, but some of the more important things, other than my work experience, that have helped my career have been post-grad and would have taken a lot longer if I hadn't fast-tracked the BS.

Also, education isn't everything - I have said it before and will say again: network, network, network!!! Be active on LinkedIn, get to know people within your company, find internships, take on extra projects at work that you aren't paid for, experience is essential and education is only part of it. You have to work on both or will never reach your potential. Experience without the degree will generally not get you to where you want to be - people will say "you have so much potential! Too bad you don't have the education you need!" Yet, education without experience will only gain entry-level jobs, so do what you can to have both.

I am looking forward to active participation again on the forums once I graduate in August!

MBA Update - namwen - 04-11-2013

Wow! Congrats on the success!

Where are you doing you MBA?

MBA Update - LaceyLady - 04-12-2013

Wow! Sounds like you are really busy! Congratulations!

We have been missing you on the forum, it is nice to see a post from you again.

Good luck on your MBA and job!

MBA Update - namwen - 04-12-2013

Oh...duh! It's in your signature.

MBA Update - NAP - 04-12-2013

So enjoy hearing from you! You are incredible! Thanks for the update!

MBA Update - cookderosa - 04-12-2013

S, I'm so glad you came back to give a bit of encouragement to everyone here!

First of all, she is being a bit modest about her accomplishments. I don't know if everyone realizes, but this lady is also a mom to many children, and OH BY THE WAY her MBA is taught in Spanish, which is NOT her first language!!! You are a rock star! Truly. I'm super excited about your pending graduation.

MBA Update - topdog98 - 04-12-2013

I haven't been around long, but I am planning to graduate with a Business concentration at COSC (God willing). Your past posts have been extremely helpful to me. Thanks so much for that and thanks for the update.

God bless!

MBA Update - taylor - 04-12-2013

COSC, MBA, family, full time job, and portuguese...a lot of sacrifices on time and livelihood, I'm sure. Are you bionic? Great job!

MBA Update - LaterBloomer - 04-12-2013

Amazing life you're leading. It sounds so exciting. Thank you for all of the information and encouragement you've provided to me and other posters in the past. Thank you also for the update. It's great to see the possibilities.

MBA Update - burbuja0512 - 04-12-2013

cookderosa Wrote:S, I'm so glad you came back to give a bit of encouragement to everyone here!

First of all, she is being a bit modest about her accomplishments. I don't know if everyone realizes, but this lady is also a mom to many children, and OH BY THE WAY her MBA is taught in Spanish, which is NOT her first language!!! You are a rock star! Truly. I'm super excited about your pending graduation.

Awww you are too sweet!!! Thank you Smile I also don't know you do it with the homeschooling, studying, AND being an accomplished author!!!!!